Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] the very " in BNC.

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1 And finally , they should explain at the very beginning of their conversation why they are phoning you .
2 To pursue political objectives seriously , they must work with the very people whose religious beliefs are most antithetical to their own .
3 Mr Smith said : ‘ However well intentioned the reform may have been and however well it may work in schools sufficiently funded for it to work , the fact is too many of its side-effects are visible , malign and damaging and John Patten must have at the very top of his agenda an urgent review . ’
4 Erm , that should go at the very front of your binder , if you really want to keep that information in your binder .
5 681 ( fig. 35 ) , a little earlier than these last ( which must belong to the very end of the century ) , is exceptional in being very large and in having the virtuosity deliberately played down , flattened out , in an attempt which could hardly be quite successful to monumentalise the type .
6 Sacrifices must start at the very top with those who can most afford them .
7 and we do have , some of this slides which , I 'll show at the very end , alright , but it means it er , erm , the first part of the talk we 'll keep the lights on and then could I ask you , you know to look and then pass it around like school
8 Increased versatility of learning would confer great selective advantage and is just the kind of change that might lead to the very rapid evolution of neocortex , so we can add this to global connectivity and greater genetic control as possible causes of the neopallial explosion .
9 ‘ He 'll come on the very tick , ’ Breeze prophesied , as the clock struck three — and sure enough , there was the bath chair at the gate !
10 It was as if those grey eyes could see into the very depths of her soul , stirring the desire that lay there waiting to be aroused , as each of them recalled the passion they had shared the previous day .
11 And when the platform emptied , he could see at the very end of it , a forlorn figure sitting all by herself .
12 It will not get hot enough to emit X rays , but it could account for the very compact source of radio waves and infrared rays that is observed at the galactic center .
13 Employment is a two-way trade and it is as well to remember that the conditions that we in the House think can be imposed on employers may backfire on the very people whom they are supposed to help .
14 They , you see to , they used to have a , they used to camp at the very top of the hill up there .
15 This is not good practice as it leads to confusion amongst users with an increased possibility of errors that may lead to the very problem the procedure was trying to avoid .
16 Nor were they altogether at ease in the neighbourhood , for though there was no reason to suppose that the verderers would return in search of them after their escape — after all why should they suppose the children would return to the very spot where they had been captured ? — the shock of the moment when Michael 's voice had spoken to them out of the darkness still hung about the place .
17 The ape keyed the lift panel so that the elevator would go to the very top floor where it opened directly into McIllvanney 's apartment .
18 Should I part with it at such a price , the weavers would rise upon the very shop .
19 Let's start at the very beginning .
20 Among that most representative breed of ministers , Moderators , it is even closer to the mark , and without consulting the records I can think of the Very Reverends MacLeod , Fraser , Craig ( Archie ) , Craig ( Robert ) and Reid , as examples .
21 Within this realm the stuff of dreams and nightmares can coalesce from the very air .
22 Surely we can deduce from the very strength of our aspiration that love , once achieved , eases the daily ache , works some effortless analgesia ?
23 It indicates that there is something left over after the linguists have done their work , a dark or light madness about language that will not be repressed and that can erupt at the very heart of the most sacred regulations identified as normative by grammarians .
24 He wanted very much to walk out onto a pier — those constructions built so that people who have come to the sea to get away from their place of work can , for a moment , almost leave their working life behind , can go to the very edge of their week 's holiday and then dream of going further .
25 Pupil/peer recognition can hit at the very heart of the learning system and either inhibit or encourage progress .
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