Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [art] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Wadsworth submits that we should approach the present application on the basis of those words in the introduction to section 23 , namely the court ‘ may , if they think it necessary or expedient in the interests of justice , ’ make the necessary order .
2 It is for that reason , I believe , that the Government have decided that we should maintain the present system .
3 It seems to me that I must judge the present claim in nuisance by reference to the present character of the neighbourhood pursuant to the planning permission for use of the dockyard as a commercial port .
4 If it is , he should hold the present attitude and stand by to lower the nose if the speed drops any further .
5 The initial purchase consideration should reflect the present performance of the business .
6 According to corporate finance theory , ‘ the share price of any company should reflect the present value of the company 's stream of future cash flows ’ .
7 The first , and urgent , question relates to the administrative and financial arrangements that should replace the present system under which four separate bodies produce the clean feed from the two Houses of Parliament ( HOCBUL and the Operator for the Commons Chamber , CCTV for Commons Committees and the BBC and ITN jointly for the Lord ) .
8 The argument also ignores the type of considerations that might determine the present non-use of these sophisticated weapons , such as the fear of complete destruction and total annihilation , rather than a greater degree of ahi sā , or love and concern for others .
9 ( One could compare the present system of allotment-holding , which certain pressure groups regard as uneconomic . )
10 We could still imagine that there is a set of laws that determines events completely for some supernatural being , who could observe the present state of the universe without disturbing it .
11 However as Pacione ( 1984,145 ) observes : ‘ few models have been constructed to explain the population turnaround ’ , but out of these the model produced by Lewis and Maund ( 1976 ) and shown in Figure 5.4 may fit the present situation as described by Moseley ( 1983 ) in Table 5.4 the most closely .
12 The sinking of a laden supertanker would make the present slick look small indeed .
13 Edward Forbes and Darwin were inspired by Lyell to look for geological changes that would explain the present distribution of species in Europe .
14 This draft , which has 130 articles , would abolish the present parliament and the post of vice-president .
15 Asked about the mechanics of milk collection when the milk boards go , Mr Wiseman , said ideally he would like the present system to remain in place .
16 Is it then to see the world filled with drooping , superannuated , half-starved , helpless and unhelped animals , that you would alter the present system of pursuit and prey ?
17 In this chapter we shall outline the present position in each country and consider the response to the reorganisation of the early 1970s. first , however , we need to consider further the principles which informed the debates about local government structure .
18 Moscow was operating within the United Nations ' scenario which would leave the present regime in place after the departure of Soviet troops .
19 Recent OPEC estimates had suggested that the demand for OPEC oil in the fourth quarter would exceed the present ceiling , rising to between 23,500,000 bpd and 24,500,000 bpd .
20 This would replace the present Lord Chancellor 's Department which administers a very substantial budget , but which is not directly accountable to the House of Commons .
21 But once all the barriers have been removed , Western Europe can expect a flood of footballers from the East which will make the present procession of Yugoslavs seem a mere trickle .
22 Ms Eagle added : ‘ Only the Labour Party is taking the question of unemployment seriously and working to develop policies that will ease the present situation . ’
23 We will reverse the present Government 's encroachments on freedom of speech and association , such as the banning of trade unions at GCHQ .
24 We will reverse the present planning presumption in favour of opencast coal mining and give top priority to local people and their environment .
25 We will end the present Government 's policy of clawing back from local authorities amounts equivalent to those they receive from the European Community 's regional development fund .
26 ‘ All eyes are fixed on him [ Romana ] in the hope that he will overturn the present system . ’
27 The hon. Lady will know that the market value of such houses will reflect the present state of agriculture and the demand for such houses .
28 It will replace the present tearoom , clearing the way for later development in the Palace .
29 The exclusion of fixed charges from section 245 arguably reflects the favouritism shown to secured creditors in English company law , although to make a secured charge subject to the claims of preferential creditors would obviously affect both the terms of credit and the amount of credit available , and this may justify the present position .
30 We may define the present value of a pure discount risk-free debenture as follows : .
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