Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [verb] herself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 JERVIS : I am not to dispute with your honour , but I dare say if the men will let her alone she 'll never trouble herself about them .
2 She 'd rather throw herself to the lions …
3 It horrified her to think how foolish she had been and she could only excuse herself on the grounds that she had suffered some kind of fit .
4 Ruth could only blame herself for being so blind and gullible .
5 Alice could hardly prevent herself from openly exulting .
6 With himself , Aranyos and a dozen grenadiers for protection , even the fräulein could hardly get herself into trouble .
7 The brisk social wind that had driven her lightly from guest to guest had dropped , stilled by telephonic contact with the tiny scratching clicking silence of the voiceless house of the long ordeal of her childhood : she found herself becalmed , for a whole dull stretch , talking to old Peter Binns , a charming old boy , but a bore , and so slow of speech that Liz could hardly restrain herself from finishing all his ponderous sentences .
8 He wrote the part so that she could always support herself in exile if she did n't speak the language . ’
9 Whatever her beginnings in life , she could now carry herself in the most élite company without the slightest fear of revealing her true origins .
10 Should the plan be discovered and Alianor be seen as party to the clandestine meeting , she could well find herself in danger , accused of shelving her responsibility for the lady Anne 's protection and honour …
11 In truth , she should be grateful to him for coming to her rescue — instead she could barely bring herself to be civil .
12 She is there at a general , collective level ; she may also reveal herself as a polarized force ; and again as the inner light of the individual .
13 And she may also play herself in a TV drama adaptation , according to her agent .
14 She insisted she would only address herself to the managers .
15 She wondered if she would ever free herself from the memory .
16 He imagined she would always picture herself as a woman too lazy ever to be guilty , with a certain black dash in the late afternoon , and a temperament born two gins below par .
17 She tried to find a moment to squeeze in a bit of rest at the sauna , something she could not do during the week ; in the late afternoon , she would always find herself with a vacuum cleaner and duster , because the cleaning woman who came on Fridays was becoming more and more careless .
18 As a young child , susan Rothenberg frequented her neighbourhood gallery , the Allbright Knox in Buffalo , New York , leaving with a knowledge that she would someday express herself in charcoal and pencil , gesso and paint .
19 And after her experience with Tony she would never allow herself to be imposed on that way again .
20 But with understanding had come a growing determination that she would never fall into the same trap — would never allow herself to be ruled by a foolish , hoping heart .
21 Selfishness had made her want to have the fiddle , and she would never forgive herself for what had happened .
22 This ca n't be happening to me , Kate would never get herself into this sort of situation .
23 No doubt she will also enjoy herself with the best of our manhood . ’
24 The new mother will often throw herself into motherhood so fully that she forgets to give time to the marital relationship , which can suffer considerable damage as a result .
25 ‘ She allowed a man to persuade her into taking the drug , so she can only blame herself for her predicament .
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