Example sentences of "[subord] require by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A new national organisation he believed should be on a smaller and more economical scale than required by the struggle up to 1833 ; functioning as a watchdog over legislation and supplying information to ministers and public its style had to be ‘ very prudent and discreet ’ .
2 We have decided to adopt FRS 3 earlier than required by the ASB to ensure that the Company is in line with latest UK accounting practice .
3 If it is required , the notification must be made within seven calendar days and must specify the proportion of voting rights actually held and , if required by the member state , the proportion of share capital .
4 ‘ Provided always that every assignment or underlease or tenancy of any kind relating to the premises shall if required by the landlord contain a covenant by the assignee underlessee or tenant and the lessee or tenant as the case may be directly with the landlord to observe and perform the covenants and conditions in this lease contained and covenants directly with the landlord in the terms of sub-clauses ( A ) and ( B ) hereof and covenants that any sub-underleases whether mediate or immediate shall contain covenants with the landlord in the terms of such sub-clauses .
5 This information , if required by the client , should be the subject of a detailed investigation as a follow-up stage .
6 Help in the preparation of an acquisition strategy or an overall corporate strategy , if not already done and if required by the client , can be provided by MC Strategy Services .
7 if relocation takes place during a school term , the company will reimburse day school fees for the remainder of that term or for such periods as required by the school for pupil removal .
8 Not even a special building was required , for since the Master was , as required by the will , a priest in Holy Orders singing masses for his patron at an altar in the Parish Church , it is entirely conceivable that the School 's first home was somewhere in that Church .
9 Application will be in Form 75 as required by the Land Registry Rules 1925 ( SR & O 1925 No 1093 ) , r235 ( see Precedent 14 ) .
10 Operational Requirements for the V-bombers were issued in 1946 with an in-service date of the mid-1950s , as required by the Government 's Ten-Year Rule .
11 The second approach is ‘ off-line ’ , based on the use of stored digital information which is retrieved and processed as required by the user .
12 The alleged contraventions of section 57 consist of the publication of investment advertisements whose contents had not been approved as required by the Act .
13 General Accident will pay for Emergency Treatment , as required by the Road Traffic Acts , resulting from an incident involving any motor cycle which this policy insures .
14 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
15 Payments for emergency medical treatment , as required by the Road Traffic Acts , will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
16 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
17 Payments for emergency medical treatment , as required by the Road Traffic Acts , will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
18 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
19 Payments for emergency medical treatment , as required by the Road Traffic Acts , will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
20 As required by the Road Traffic Acts , we will pay for emergency medical treatment that is needed after an accident involving any vehicle which this policy insures .
21 Payments for emergency medical treatment , as required by the Road Traffic Acts , will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
22 When this happens in reciprocal discourse , in face to face conversation , where the discourse develops by the exchange of speaker role , then the situation can be remedied ( given the impulse to co-operate and to accommodate the reality of the interlocutor 's world ) by an overtly interactive negotiation whereby intention and interpretation are brought into an approximate convergence as required by the purpose of the interaction .
23 The truth of the matter is that the policy of placing the interests of a managed exchange rate above the real needs of the economy can only be conceived sensibly as part and parcel of a geopolitical strategy to move Britain towards participation in a Single Currency , as required by the Treaty of Maastricht .
24 Throughout the questionnaire , please either ring the appropriate answer , or add information , as required by the question .
25 I have obtained the permission of the chairman to sell the shares as required by the company 's inhouse rules for directors ' dealings .
26 It was also stated that in future , the Penge routes would be operated by sixteen cars , eight with regenerative equipment and eight without , but all would have track brakes as required by the Board of Trade for Anerley Hill .
27 briefing organisations and individuals , as required by the Director , on matters of concern to the Campaign ;
28 It is a patent nonsense not to have a more meaningful zonation to properly reflect the severity of permanent natural handicaps on agriculture and to more precisely tie in the various aids and incentives to the degree of handicap as required by the Directive .
29 On the facts before them , and contrary to what the defendants actually maintained , their purpose did not include the desire to protect property as required by the section .
30 There are no special court pro-formas for the writ but nevertheless they must contain certain details as required by the Sheriff Court Acts .
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