Example sentences of "[subord] to the precise [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In more recent times , there has been a long-running debate between monetarists and Keynesians as to the precise influence of money on individuals , businesses and the economy as a whole .
2 At times the question may arise as to the precise capacity in which a solicitor is in practice overseas , more especially where he or she has qualifications in two or more jurisdictions .
3 Hence if doubts arise as to what the rules are or as to the precise scope of some given rule , there will be no procedure for settling this doubt , either by reference to an authoritative text or to an official whose declarations on this point are authoritative .
4 As to the precise dates , that is not a matter which I can immediately remember .
5 However , it can not be said that the laws-of-war approach has resulted in clear and unambiguous agreement either among writers or among countries as to the precise restrictions to be placed on nuclear weapons use .
6 The Bible has long been recognized as a composite work spanning many centuries , not some kind of monolithic whole , and whilst opinions differ widely as to the precise dating ( and methods of dating ) of its constituent parts , it remains the case that a book , or indeed a chapter , may lie in the received text next to a verse or chapter some several centuries removed in compositional/redactional terms from its neighbour .
7 The overlap with husbandmen can be attributed in large measure to uncertainty as to the precise status of a minority whom one return called labourers ( or servants ) while the other described them differently .
8 This figure is non-committal as to the precise mechanism likely to lead to the generation of passive margin upwarps as it illustrates secondary convection as well as non-uniform ( depth-dependent extension ) and the effects of lateral heat flow into unthinned lithosphere .
9 However , they remained undecided as to the precise role for the EC and agreed that a decision would be deferred pending the forthcoming visit to South Africa by the Foreign Ministers of the United Kingdom , the Netherlands and Portugal .
10 The agent will examine the offending order and discuss it with his clients , in particular as to the precise grounds of objection and whether the client indeed has a locus standi to object .
11 The Intention of the British er of the Railways Act of nineteen ninety three was that jurisdiction of the British Transport Police should be unaffected , but we are aware that there may be some doubt now as to the precise extent of the powers which British Transport Poli Police may have beyond the Rail Track property .
12 I believe Warwick changed over to using steel truss rods about eight or nine months ago but I would urge owners to have their basses checked as soon as possible , and would appreciate some kind of response from Warwick as to the precise situation .
13 The 1905 text gives some flexibility as to the precise method of communication .
14 Considerable doubt exists as to the precise method of formation of such rock platforms .
15 The Special Commissions of 1978 and 1985 considered that there was a need for a model or standard form of Letter of Request to overcome the problem of inadequate information , e.g. , as to the precise nature of the evidence to be obtained , or the authority to whom the Letter should be returned , as well as difficulties of interpretation over legal terminology used in different systems .
16 There may often be a good case for conviction , and no deficiency of evidence , yet acquittal ensues because the prosecutor , acting without advice , is not sufficiently informed as to the precise nature of the proof required by law .
17 Thirdly , as Lewin noted , despite the seemingly united Congress there were undercurrents of differences in interpretation as to the precise meaning of the resolutions adopted .
18 Very few witnesses had been found who were prepared to come to court to repeat their statements in the flesh , but some did and their words were translated first into English and then into German , causing some confusion as to the precise meaning of what they had actually said .
19 If , in addition , the judiciary then substitute their opinion as to the precise meaning that each of these terms should bear for that of the initial decision-maker , the result will be a very extensive form of review .
20 The labels also tell us that the United States courts see nothing absurd in admitting the multiplicity of meanings that a statutory term can have , nor in accepting that the agency 's choice as to the precise meaning should govern .
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