Example sentences of "[subord] giving [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes members of a family look for something that is convenient to them or that will solve their own feelings of guilt , rather than giving weight to the elderly person 's own strong preferences .
2 He made the claim while giving evidence to the Employment Select Committee into events .
3 He made the claim while giving evidence to the Employment Select Committee , which is looking at the way the closure programme was handled .
4 [ music ] There is a corollary to this in the curious offset notes and phrases of the vocal melody which lend a kind of speech colour to the basically simple tonal language , while giving mobility to the harmony ( a change of direction in an unaccompanied vocal figure may lead unceremoniously to a change of key ) .
5 The strategy was given its first airing two days after the Danish vote at a meeting of the Council in Oslo on 4 June , when it was agreed to proceed with the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty while giving time to the Danes to resolve their problems .
6 The comparison between the canals and railways was most graphically drawn by Mr W.F. Martin of the Mountsorrel Granite Company , one of the companies that could conceivably have benefited much from an improved canal , when giving evidence to the Royal Commission of 1906 .
7 She argued that if women were paid the same as men " it would result in many women being dismissed from many trades " , and also accepted without demur , when giving evidence to the Fair Wages Committee a few years later , the proposition that women were satisfied with less money because they were earning " pin money " if married , and " pocket money " if not.38 With such pessimism about equal pay entrenched in the mind of their organizers , with such low evaluation being set on their work , one might argue that it would have been surprising if a militant women 's union could really be organized in the prevailing atmosphere .
8 When giving evidence to the PCA , the then permanent secretary to the Department agreed that that situation could not be defended , so we decided to put it right .
9 Izanami died when giving birth to the fire god , and the distraught Izanagi followed her to the Land of Gloom , where he was appalled by the sight of her body infested with maggots .
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