Example sentences of "[subord] it can [be] prove " in BNC.

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1 Dangerous driving is usually reserved for intentional dangerous driving or where it can be proved the defendant was driving in such a way as to fall within the new definition of ‘ driving dangerously ’ in section 2A ( 1 ) to ( 4 ) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 .
2 Nevertheless they all expressed serious concern at a number of proposals in the bill which limit the appeals process and in particular the rights of the taxpayer to appeal only where it can be proved that the commissioners have acted unreasonably .
3 But if it can be proven that overfishing of sand-eel is the principal cause of the problem , we can only hope that remedial action can be taken before it is too late for our important sea-bird colonies to recover .
4 He is unlikely to be satisfied with an offer to re-run the reselection procedure if it can be proved that there have been any serious breaches of the party 's rules .
5 A Go-Kart is in a similar position , but both a dumper truck and a Go-Kart can become ‘ motor vehicles ’ if it can be proved that they have been adapted or intended for use on roads .
6 If it can be proved that the pillion passenger knew the driver was only a learner the passenger would most likely commit the offence of aiding and abetting the learner to carry an unlicensed passenger .
7 Legally , however , it seems that if it can be proved that Mr Fuchs spent above and beyond the municipally approved budget of DFl.12 million without authorisation , then he may be held personally responsible for the losses .
8 If it can be proved that the pattern exists , then there is a strong possibility that by tracing this pattern , certain locations will be revealed to which the metal detectorist would be well-advised to direct his search .
9 If , however , he has oral sex with her and she is 16 years old or more , he can be liable for the offence of indecent assault only if it can be proved that she did not consent .
10 The victim may have an action for malicious falsehood , however , if it can be proved that the untrue statement was made spitefully , dishonestly or recklessly , and that it has in fact caused financial loss .
11 I do n't see any reason why they should n't be able to sue i if it can be proved that er the employer has caused undue stress on on an employee .
12 The trial is of national importance if it can be proved that seriously injured patients taken directly to a trauma unit have a better chance of survival , the policy is likely to be adopted in other parts of the country .
13 This is not because it can be proved one way or the other that either or neither version is the type of play that Marlowe would have written .
14 … Under such a rule , would-be critics of official conduct may be deterred from voicing their criticism , even though it is believed to be true and even though it is in fact true , because of doubt whether it can be proved in court or fear of the expense of having to do so .
15 ‘ Under such a rule , would-be critics of official conduct may be deterred from voicing their criticism , even though it is believed to be true and even though it is in fact true , because of doubt whether it can be proved in court or fear of the expense of having to do so .
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