Example sentences of "[subord] in the following [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1857 he was promoted to locomotive superintendent of the northern division , covering all routes of the LNWR north of Rugby , at Crewe works where in the following year the first of almost 1,000 of his 0–6–0 type freight locomotives were built .
2 ( 2 ) A person can not steal land , or things forming part of land and severed from it by him or by his directions , except in the following cases , that is to say — ( a ) when he is a trustee or personal representative , or is authorised by power of attorney , or as liquidator of a company , or otherwise , to sell or dispose of land belonging to another , and he appropriates the land or anything forming part of it by dealing with it in breach of the confidence reposed in him ; or ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or ( c ) when , being in possession of the land under a tenancy , he appropriates the whole or part of any fixture or structure let to be used with the land .
3 The summary follows its original uniformly , section by section , except in the following ways : ( i ) Nietzsche frequently alludes , without explaining the allusions , to more or less well-known features of Greek tragedy or the Greek world ; he gives virtually no dates for artists , thinkers , or events , ancient or modern ; and he sometimes makes points that rest , clearly enough , on unstated presuppositions , but points that can not readily be summarized without reconstructing each presupposition and making it fully explicit .
4 The detailed life cycle is not fully known , but is considered to be similar to that of the bovine lungworm , D. viviparus , except in the following respects .
5 In the event , he survived the Conference debate on crime and punishment without much difficulty , although in the following year back-benchers on his own side of the House of Commons forced open again the politically sensitive question of corporal punishment .
6 I 'm less interested in Araeen 's assertions about modernism than in the following questions : what are the differences between the older artists who came here as immigrants and the young artists who were born in Britain ?
7 In 1369 , for instance , John of Gaunt took an army from Calais to Harfleur , and devastated the Pays de Caux , while in the following year Sir Robert Knolles led an army from Calais which did much damage in the Ile-de-France ; but Charles V refused to give battle and neither chevauchée achieved anything .
8 Etienne de Vignolles , known by the name of La Hire which his Burgundian enemies had given him , brought off a spectacular stroke with the capture of Château-Gaillard , on the river Seine , in 1430 , while in the following year Ambroise de Lore and his band travelled across much of Normandy to attack a fair near Caen , before retreating in good order with their prisoners .
9 In 1984 some 2,500 Inuit of the western Arctic were given title to 35,000 square miles ; in March 1990 some 7,000 Indians in the Yukon reached agreement over 16,000 square miles , whilst in the following month some 13,000 Dene-Metis Indians agreed in principle to a settlement of 70,000 square miles of Arctic and sub-Arctic territory .
10 But the general satisfaction with close and successful cooperation evident through the easy , harmonious transfer of responsibility from the District to the Cambridge Board of the Bedfordshire scheme in 1930 began to evaporate when in the following year , the Cambridge Board asked the District to cede its Chapter III providing powers in rural Cambridgeshire to the Board .
11 Perhaps the terms rankled , for when in the following year Bruce sued at Rome for the lifting of the interdict Edward II sent envoys , the chronicler Adam of Murimuth among them , to oppose such a relaxation , a task in which they succeeded .
12 Through the right of his mother , Edward had himself claimed the French crown when it fell vacant in 1328 , but probably more in hope than expectation , for in the following year and again in 1331 he acknowledged Philip VI 's lordship of Gascony ; not until 1337 was his own interest in the French crown voiced again .
13 In terms of female users , this can be particularly tragic as in the following case , where the woman did not seek treatment because she assumed that this would eventually lead to the placing of a care order on her children :
14 This analysis must however be extended if it is to cover all the uses of the infinitive since there are also cases in which the latter is not in relation with another verb , as in the following exclamations : ( 1 ) Oh to be in England now that April 's there !
15 Greenberg 's articles are marked by a confident authority , as in the following passage .
16 There are logical conditions of experiencing objects of the second category , but colour always figures as an object of the first category , as in the following passage :
17 Further , the property of token reflexivity , as in the following usage of this , is just a special case of intra-sentential discourse deixis : ( 92 ) This sentence is not true Fillmore ( 1917b : 240 ) hopes that a theory of discourse deixis will resolve the well-known paradoxes associated with sentences like ( 92 ) ( if it 's false , it 's true ; and if it 's true , it 's false ) , and indeed with token reflexivity in general .
18 In the pre-war years , as well , indeed , as in the following decades , he did nothing to draw attention to what he was doing .
19 ‘ Appearance ’ can relate to class , as in the following remarks :
20 This reflects the collaborative nature of work in these areas , and like the situation described earlier with regard to the group projects in Redbrook Secondary , this nearly always happens in response to some form of shared performance , as in the following description of the process in the music department at the Pope John Paul Comprehensive :
21 Answers tend to be vague and general , and sometimes phrased in terms of domains or interlocutors , as in the following description : Well they do n't really use it , like , well , now and then , like if we 're all in the family , if like my mum 's going to say somefing , right , she wo n't say " Wayne would you go do de dishes please " , she 'll say [ z ] somep'n like dat — she would say it in a West Indian talk but normally if like if there 's a visitor or something it would be plain English …
22 There are three of them , as in the following sentences :
23 There are six short vowels , as in the following sentence : You will take these in your stride without much ado if you are concentrating on the sense of the sentence , noticing the crisp consonants .
24 This is most noticeable in conversations where each participant ‘ picks up ’ elements from the contribution of the preceding speaker and incorporates them in his contribution , as in the following fragment :
25 The conclusion would seem to be that the early Anglo-Saxon countryside was not run as efficiently as in the following centuries .
26 New season 's potatoes offer a promise of summer bounty , and it 's fun to make them the focus of a feast , as in the following recipes .
27 In a defensive combination , the student blocks first and then counter-attacks , as in the following sequence .
28 The packaging of information related to a particular referent can , in the written language , be very concentrated , as in the following news item : A man who turned into a human torch ten days ago after snoozing in his locked car while smoking his pipe has died in hospital .
29 Although the time-scale prevented an in-depth analysis of students ' views , there were some indications that students seek greater control of their lives in school , as in the following quotes :
30 In some cases , the link between the peasant sector and commercial farming may rest on the sale of goods rather than labour , as in the following example taken from the state of São Paulo .
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