Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] meet [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Time for souvenirs for loved ones : a candle lit and a cuppa , all too soon lunchtime and then the gather in Friday Market where we met with the pilgrims from Hull , Middlesbrough ( day group ) and Stroud Green , N. London — all bathed in sunshine .
2 The family , meanwhile can be kept amused with the miniature railway , mini-farm and various family events , and if you meet at the coffee shop at the end of the day , you may even be treated to a little live music .
3 Perhaps they might become friends , she thought doubtfully , or at least neighbours , passing the time of day if they met in the road .
4 And the girl comes to see me — has been comin' ever since I met with the accident last year .
5 Er , obviously on a more serious note , er it was very disappointing that we had such a severe er downturn in profitability last year after several years of steadily rising profits , and so what I want to do this morning was tell you a little bit about what happened in the last part of the year , since we met at the time of the interim results presentation last September , tell you the actions that have been taken and give you a little bit of insight as to where we stand at the present time .
6 It was then that she noticed how gravely and interestedly he was looking at her , had looked at her ever since they met outside the shop .
7 Roy Inman , manager of the British women 's team , said : ‘ I think Pierantozzi got quite a shock at the worlds in Barcelona last summer , and she wants to try and get the measure of Kate before they meet at the Olympics . ’
8 Photographer Linda persuaded Paul to bare all soon after they met in the late Sixties .
9 When I meet with the American President in Berlin , I want him to believe he can trust me . ’
10 When we met at the Bacon show and I smiled at him he smiled back at once , then remembered and tried to scowl , but could n't and we both burst out laughing .
11 His words when we met at the start of the Championship kept coming back : ‘ Willie , I 'm going to win the Open for you this week .
12 As the somewhat recalcitrant and irascible member of the famous ‘ What 's My Line ’ panel broadcast on BBC television for years , Gilbert could be and was difficult , but when we met at the Coq d'Or Restaurant on Stratton Street , just off Piccadilly , he was the soul of charm .
13 I made no comment on this at the time ( though privately I thought it a brash boast ) but when we met for the interview I asked if he had brought the pendulum with him .
14 When we met in the lounge it rapidly became clear that he was not in his usual good humour .
15 But my boss is a resilient character and when we met in the late afternoon he was bursting with his old spirit .
16 I hope that when we meet on the nineteenth Alan or Paul will immediately knock all that on the head .
17 When we meet at the Landing Stage and have even half an hour together , it just makes life worth living .
18 Plato makes Protagoras a proponent of democracy , and Socrates is his antagonist : Now when we meet in the Assembly , then if the State is faced with some building project , I observe that the architects are sent for and consulted about the proposed structures , and when it is a matter of shipbuilding , the naval designers , and so on with everything which the Assembly regards as a subject for learning and teaching But when it is something to do with the government of the country that is to be debated , the man who gets up to advise them may be a builder or equally well a blacksmith or a shoemaker , merchant or ship-owner , rich or poor , of good family or none .
19 When we meet in the depths
20 What will we all say to each other when we meet in the hall ?
21 Tamed native birds flocked on the poolside boardwalk of their rented hideaway , ‘ Hawksnest ’ , as we met for the first time , and Robin encircled his shyness with a stream-of-consciousness banter , made easier by the antics of a visiting cocker spaniel , which bit the head off a parrot .
22 He had been fifteen years her senior when they met at the church door but he had been slimmer then , fleet as a greyhound , a veritable Hector on the battlefield and a Paris in the bedchamber .
23 She has not seen him since half past six , when they met in the kitchen over a salami sandwich .
24 Sedgwick 's description of spinners ‘ ganging a sitting ’ , when they met before the fire to spin in a neighbour 's house accords with that in Hawkshead on the other side of the County .
25 When they meet at the final masking , the atmosphere is again one of ceremony and solemnity , and they speak verse to each other ( V.iv.72–83 ) .
26 Scientists working on the jet fusion project at Culham in south Oxfordshire have been protesting today in a bid to influence leading figures in the project as they met for the second day of their full Council Meeting .
27 When it met after the Conference it set up a subcommittee to draft acceptable Standing Orders with which it could approach the Labour Party National Executive .
28 When he meets with the systems team to discuss the network , he is striving for success .
29 His remarks , in a Daily Telegraph interview , triggered protests from right-wing Tory MPs and pitched the Cabinet into more controversy as it met for the first time since the summer break .
30 His remarks , in a Daily Telegraph interview , triggered protests from right-wing Tory MPs and pitched the Cabinet into more controversy as it met for the first time since the summer break .
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