Example sentences of "[v-ing] round to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Magee raised an arm to stop it , walking round to the driver 's side .
2 If only to stop me dashing round to the newsagent every day to ask if it is in yet around the time due , I shall have to take out an MKM subscription and devote more of my energies to learning how .
3 Do you fancy nipping round to the Co-op ?
4 One night when his parents were out David returned to the scene ; as expected everything was quiet not even a walker with a dog was passing through , David cautiously approached the old hut , he peered through a crack in the battens before going round to the door which to his surprise was ajar .
5 ‘ You had better get yourself into the washhouse and clean yourself up , ’ she said , ‘ I am going round to the Post Office and let Sid Watkins know . ’
6 ‘ We are going round to the stage door now , ’ she announced firmly .
7 I was called to myself by the echoing hoot of the ferry 's siren , to find that the shop had emptied of its crowd , and the postmistress , taking off her spectacles , was hurrying round to the store counter to look after the stranger .
8 Then I went skipping round to the cottage to see Miss Louise before I went to school .
9 They are only now reportedly coming round to the idea .
10 Users are finally coming round to the idea that applications are more important than the platform , he says , citing the UK supermarket chain , Sainsbury 's , which took ten months to decide that it would move to Unix , choosing its software before inviting companies to bid for the hardware contract .
11 According today 's Scotland on Sunday Newspaper , Hearts and it 's Chairman Wallace Mercer are coming round to the idea of sharing a ground with Hibs on the site the council wants , at Ingleston .
12 ‘ I 'm coming round to the idea . ’
13 At least a growing number of Tory MPs are coming round to the idea .
14 And I can honestly say , along with most people I 'm reluctantly coming round to the concept that the probability is that the county will cease to exist shortly , and there 'll be hopefully not more than two other authorities doing the job we 're currently doing .
15 And coming round to the south .
16 ‘ Secondly , a number of acoustic players are coming round to the belief that the 12-fret configuration is the best for tone , which it is .
17 Fearful anticipation had proved somewhat worse than the event , and most Viennese were coming round to the opinion that , whatever the failings of Napoleon 's men , they were at least an improvement upon the Hapsburgs ' Russian allies , whom everyone loathed .
18 Indeed I am rather coming round to the view that the trouble last year was not that we failed to produce as good policies as our opponents but that we failed to produce policies for the issues the electorate was most interested in .
19 Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman consult the Confederation of British Industry , which is coming round to the view that a 40 per cent .
20 She was wasting her breath , she saw , for Ven was already out of the car and coming round to the passenger door .
21 Cutting round to the right and following the track northeastwards , I came down a path that led towards the Occupation Road via the Megger Stones .
22 A better piece of news for the Government yesterday came from Brussels , where there were indications that German and Spanish EC finance ministers were gradually swinging round to the Government 's view that the social chapter would lose jobs rather than protect them .
23 The Woman was sitting round to the right , beside a television , and as soon as she saw Tug she waved at a chair .
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