Example sentences of "[v-ing] about [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once aboard two LSIs , the raiders carried out successful rehearsals at Scapa Flow ( north Scotland ) , despite the navy 's understandable challenge to the carrier ships ' small craft bobbing about in the night .
2 Clarissa said she was glad she had n't known he was walking about in the open .
3 He does this by moving away from the shoal of fry and then thrashing about in the water as if injured .
4 Says Harrison : ‘ I was thrashing about in the water with all my clothes on and ended up being dragged down .
5 The agency is thrashing about in the grip of an angry Congress that is bent on uncovering mismanagement and conflicts-of-interest at the agency .
6 There was a moment of drama though when this big pike started thrashing about in the net .
7 He 's a restless sleeper , kicking and thrashing about throughout the night .
8 Hoomey pushed the front seat up and leaned over , groping about on the back seat .
9 A good tight-fitting cap or hat is useful since there is nothing worse than groping about in the dark to recover a wind-blown hat .
10 He resolved that the occurrence could be sorted out in daylight and that there was no point in groping about in the dark .
11 There were one or two adults at the centre of each , directing operations ; elders , stooped and greying , weaving about on the periphery ; and in between , aunts and uncles and cousins and assorted offspring yammering and pawing each other .
12 For you will learn that none of these things which are admired and sought after are of any good to those who attain them — for when they do get them , the burning heat is just as bad , there is the same tossing about on the sea , the same desire for what they do not have .
13 It seems stupid now but you ca n't imagine what it was like stumbling about in the dark and then seeing him daubing away … whoever heard of painted flowers … ’
14 ‘ If it means stumbling about in the dark I sympathize . ’
15 ‘ Now , pop your trews off and give her a cuddle ; and make sure she 's out of here soon , I do n't want her mooning about in the morning . ’
16 ‘ He did write to that American professor that Boz ‘ disappears and presently emerges from a bathing machine , and may be seen — a kind of salmon-coloured porpoise splashing about in the ocean ’ . ’
17 Fred White and Sandy , the friend he had agreed to meet here , sat on the shore and watched people splashing about in the water .
18 We were soon splashing about in the surf washing off weeks of dirt accumulated in the slit trenches .
19 While your child is splashing about in the sunshine , be very careful to protect her skin from the sun 's rays , which can still burn her even in the water .
20 Not only that , there was the auto-suggestion of two tiny Spanish brats splashing about in the pond in front of the green , fishing for lost balls .
21 ‘ People are not normally wandering about in the bush at night . ’
22 I say ‘ by great good luck ’ , because the Turkish authorities do not like foreigners wandering about in the neighbourhood of frontiers , particularly the Russian frontier .
23 You know he would n't go wandering about in the warren .
24 Looking about at the crowd of faces , she tried to discover who was watching her .
25 It appeared that the officer had been admiring the fish swimming about in the water of the Orne when a Royal Marine Commando asked him if he would like some for his supper .
26 And then they , the one where Johnny Weismuller was , it was a lake in front of a great arena which they did a lot of you know , swimming about in the lake and the different formations .
27 Ruining your good trousers wriggling about on the ground .
28 and take an extra dose at night to try and get you into a sleep so we can get you back into sleeping rather than up prowling about during the night , cos it does no good at all .
29 So many of us are accustomed to eating in front of the television , or at a desk or even rushing about in the morning clutching a briefcase in one hand and a piece of toast in the other .
30 She had made it a habit never to leave medicines lying about since the time she found Emma sucking a Panadol , thinking it was a mint , but thankfully then having the sense to spit it out when she found it was n't .
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