Example sentences of "[v-ing] in [prep] the window " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I think it is a pointless exercise , ’ said Floy , somewhere towards morning , a thin , cold light filtering in through the windows to where he sat at a great desk , his black hair tumbled , hollows in his cheeks , his face white with fatigue .
2 There seemed to be a child 's face looking in at the window .
3 " You did n't mind me looking in at the window , Stephen ?
4 In one case the Divisional Court held that assault was committed where a woman was frightened by the sight of a man looking in through the window of her house , although there seems to have been little suggestion that the man was threatening to apply force either immediately or at all .
5 He 'd scattered a few items around the place so that anybody looking in through the window would get the impression that the owner was in residence but out for the day or the evening : a box of tissues and some magazines in the main room , a half-empty bottle of fresh milk and some crockery draining in the kitchen .
6 I was up at Sea House one night , looking in through the window — "
7 " I 'm afraid of what she 'll do , " the man says when I was looking in through the window , and then the other woman goes up to him and starts loving him .
8 Slowly struggling up from the depths of deep unconsciousness , Laura flicked open her eyelids , only to shut them firmly again as she winced at the brilliant sunshine flooding in through the windows of the bedroom .
9 Damian stood against the sunlight flooding in through the windows , his hands thrust in his grey trouser pockets , the silver watch-chain across his powerful chest reflecting light .
10 He made his way round the side of the house , peering in at the windows , noting that some dishes , though washed , had been left on the draining board .
11 When Rosalind and Philip first moved in , it was in a pretty parlous condition , with , amongst other nightmares , an elder tree with its roots in the great hall and its branches spreading in through the windows .
12 Theda came to herself to find that she lay in a large four-poster bed , with the curtains drawn back , and the weak autumn sun coming in at the windows .
13 A little grey light was coming in through the window .
14 Afterwards I sit with him in the room at the back , the late afternoon light still coming in through the windows .
15 The sun was slanting in through the windows and heating the place up .
16 The sun , slanting in through the window , showed up the faded shabbiness of the room , but outside the treetops were golden and the bees were loud in the roses .
17 In the summer , with the sun slanting in through the window , with the deep tan wallpaper , and the overall colour scheme of tan and creams , it looked lovely , but in the depths of winter it looked vaguely soiled , and depressingly dull .
18 The sun was streaming in at the windows of her room .
19 When Caroline awakened , the sun was streaming in through the windows .
20 Those wonderful mornings in summer when the larks rose high over the mountains and you woke to the sound of cowbells and the sun streaming in through the window ?
21 Fran had n't expected to sleep , but she did , deeply and dreamlessly , and awoke to the sound of birds singing and sunlight streaming in through the window .
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