Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] [art] side " in BNC.

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1 She saw that the man who owned it was hanging on to the side and checking it each time it swung .
2 Still in his underclothes , Ebenezer lay sprawled across the bed , his head hanging down over the side , his one hand clawing at his throat .
3 Did n't look very well , we were walking down by the side of the road !
4 Afterwards , we clung to the rail , listening to the wind howling ; watching vast , angry waves crowding in on every side .
5 Swirling sand made visibility terrible — I had to fly the aircraft looking down through the side window because I could n't see ahead .
6 Having to hold the button down all the time made it a bit awkward for looking out of the side window , but by craning her neck she could just manage to see the hole to the rear of the craft .
7 Wycliffe glanced back at the house and again saw the seated figure in the upstairs room , but now he had the impression that the figure was facing him , looking out of the side window .
8 Then there was a smaller room at the front of the house where the old man counted his money , and which he called his ‘ den ’ , and , to the rear of the house the kitchen , a large , well-designed place with windows on two sides ; one looking out to the side of the house where the undergrowth reached waist height , and the other two situated at each end of the wall that overlooked the rear garden .
9 GUIL : As soon as we make a move they 'll come pouring in from every side , shouting obscure instructions , confusing us with ridiculous remarks , messing us about from here to breakfast and getting our names wrong .
10 But it does seem that he had some hint of the future : not only does his idea of the arena in which Pandemonium ( 1831 ) took place look like Wembley Stadium but his high-rise Tower of Babel in Belshazzar 's Feast might almost have been modelled on the General Accident Life building now going up at the side of Lendal Bridge on the way to York 's Railway Station .
11 Going out through a side door , she stood a while in the courtyard .
12 With history speeding up on every side , it is hard to imagine that the present edgy equilibrium can last for very long .
13 It was a typical late afternoon scene , with the pool full of children playing ball , splashing and laughing , the older ones talking confidentially while holding on to the side , perhaps making assignations that they would have to negotiate with parents to keep .
14 Agnes Winkowski turned from the frightened child clinging on to the side of her hand-cart and looked back to watch two men of the law speeding after the woman .
15 The crew were all clinging on to the side of the trawler and the last men off , Billy and John took 'em They got hold of them by one leg and they pulled them off .
16 The wind whisked past her ears , her stomach lurched ; she opened her eyes and saw the white , freckled child screaming , his mouth open like a great dark cave , clinging on to the side of the boat with his frail clean-scrubbed little hands .
17 In the process of overtaking a lorry , a woman crashed into another lorry reversing out of a side turning .
18 How unlucky for poor old Cooper finally getting back into the side and then not lasting more than forty five minutes cos of that shoulder injury .
19 Each photocell is , in effect , wired in backwards , with its wire sticking out on the side nearest the light .
20 ‘ Then I saw a leg and arm sticking out of the side and realised Stuart was underneath it .
21 But who can blame UEFA , post-Heysel , for coming down on the side of life and limb before either is lost ?
22 I have been criticised for coming down on the side of the second alternative .
23 This must be him just coming in through the side door .
24 I lay on my back , my head on the sandy ground , staring out to the side where the body of the buck lay at the end of a little curved line of black , and tangled in the arm-rest and grip of the catapult .
25 But it is a bad time to be coming back into the side with results poor and confidence low .
26 coming back through the side here
27 My supper flapped off round the corner in a storm of feathers with the blood coming out of the side of its beak .
28 Her mouth was a little open and there was a watery trickle running out of the side of her mouth .
29 All these years he had been carrying on on the side and now here was actual proof of it .
30 Slumping down on the side of the bed , she stared blankly at the cheque in her hand .
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