Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] into the sky " in BNC.

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1 Rohmer was looking up into the sky as the vortex of smoke and steam was greedily sucked skywards into the black roiling clouds of the storm .
2 Although Molins ' aim is to capture the ‘ small — and often unacknowledged — details of life ’ , her eye ranges from broad vistas noting the peculiar effect of a lamp-post Lurching up into the sky or of a statue gesticulating from the top of a building , to close-up studies of various corners of interiors .
3 Great icy tits sticking up into the sky ?
4 What was happening was that the broomstick was swooping up into the sky , now dotted with stars , and that Carol was astride it , just like a witch in a fairy-tale .
5 Columns of smoke were drifting up into the sky .
6 She had let the lines go when the first brutal snap had straightened the nylon , and stood glancing back at me and staring up into the sky as I fought to control the power in the skies above us .
7 They stood around hopefully , occasionally glancing up into the sky or peering down the road as though expecting something to happen .
8 At the sound , the strange atmosphere seemed to rise from the roof garden like a vast bird soaring up into the sky .
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