Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] itself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 WITH COVENT Garden on the rise , West Soho , London 's Eighties mecca of zonal shopping , is looking to keep itself on the agenda .
2 In this sense , social work has been struggling to free itself from the same trap as much of British industry .
3 If she 's not careful , her poor old taxi is going to find itself off the road for a week .
4 To schematise , the British working class has not been ready to run the risks of attempting to constitute itself as the ruling class , of putting forward concrete proposals for working class control over industry and finance and fighting seriously to achieve them .
5 The hoverspeeder , its motors still idling , was attempting to wedge itself into the hole in the wall which Daak must have made with the vehicle 's front thrusters .
6 Heads of department from the Soviet trade union centre , the AUCCTU , are expected to visit Congress House in the New Year on a fact-finding mission , and there have been requests for training links to be built between the TUC and the Hungarian trade union body , SZOT , which has been attempting to restructure itself over the last two years .
7 Looking upwards , Miss Fergusson observed the halo of cloud beginning to form itself around the summit of the mountain .
8 Through the haze , Bolton Castle was just beginning to show itself across the dale , square and massive .
9 Our subsequent contacts with school staff in the city indicated that the legacy was a powerful and often negative one , and that it continued to be reinforced because despite a general loosening of LEA control and a government-sponsored shift to a greater measure of school self-determination , the Authority was perceived by schools as continuing to present itself as the main definer and arbiter of good practice .
10 In fiscal 1992 , the drain on finances was development costs for the Sparcbook , exacerbated by a fall in demand for the board-level products : these were sufficiently severe that the company had to raise £572,000 in March in another rights issue after having to throw itself onto the mercy of its bankers and creditors in order to continue trading .
11 And from the moment of birth the child is learning -learning to know its own body and bodily needs , learning to distinguish itself from the world around it , learning something about its relationships to things and people in that world .
12 The bloodied torso of what had been Balor lay twitching on the ground , moving clumsily , trying to pull itself along the ground , like a monstrous beetle which has been turned on its shelly back and can not right itself .
13 Its one rolling , swollen eye was fixed on Cardiff even as the thing thrashed with blackened , elongated and monstrously deadly arms at the brickwork , trying to heave itself through the aperture and into the basement .
14 The Victoria and Albert Museum is still trying to disassociate itself from the ignominious failure of the exhibition of sporting trophies through the ages .
15 I wince every time I watch a two-stroke apparently trying to tear itself from the mountings .
16 At that meeting the party changed its name , trying to distance itself from the word that connected it to communism .
17 As she grew older , she looked upon herself , tragically , defiantly , with all the hopelessness of fourteen years , as a plant trying to root itself upon the solid rock , without water , without earth , without shade : and then , when a little older yet , when conscious of some growth , she had to concede that she must have fallen happily upon some small dry sandy fissure , where a few grains of sand , a few drops of moisture , had been enough to support her trembling and tenacious life .
18 It had grounds for such fears , since it was struggling to legitimize itself as the Palestinian representative and did not wish this to be challenged by any independent local movement .
19 What a Ballet ’ daring to show itself in the Opera House .
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