Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] plans for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Research grants worth £420million have been announced by the EC , revealing its plans for the third set of Esprit projects .
2 In developing its plans for the redeployment of the Army , the General Staff were faced with three major difficulties : lack of genuine air mobility ; loss of overflying rights over Arab countries and restricted overflying of the Indian subcontinent due to India 's ‘ non-aligned ’ stance and Pakistan 's natural sympathy for Moslem Arab Nationalism ; and the justifiable reluctance in Whitehall to build up new overseas bases .
3 By early November however , as the Dublin lock-out attacks against leaders of the trade unions and the Labour Party who seemed to be obstructing his plans for a general strike , not only in Dublin , but throughout Great Britain , vilifying them as " serpents whom I shall allow to raise their foul heads and spit out their poison no longer " and as having " neither soul to be saved nor body to be kicked " Almost overnight , support for Larkin turned into denunciation of his reckless methods and of his policy of attempting to bleed British unions of funds in support of sympathy strikes which seemed destined either to fail or to lead to unwanted revolution .
4 After making his plans for the safekeeping of funds in several banks he started off on his travels once again .
5 Its 495-326 vote had the effect of curbing Mr Yeltsin 's authority and cancelling his plans for an April referendum .
6 Without autonomous change in tastes , or in technological possibilities , or in the availability of resources , no one can have any interest in altering his plans for the succeeding period .
7 In one room Frank Gehry has designed an installation outlining his plans for the Bilbao museum , a series of soft-shouldered , interconnecting shapes arranged in a sort of artful pile .
8 And why did they let Tommy , who believed his job was safe , give interviews outlining his plans for the future ?
9 About five weeks ago , I had been invited to a presentation by Garth Enterprises , who were unveiling their plans for a golf course and leisure complex which would also include a hotel and the provision of some expensive houses alongside each fairway .
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