Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the whole [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He wondered how many people in all the mental hospitals in the country — or the world " , — come to that — were really fallen Warriors who had either cracked up from the strain of trying to live in this hell-hole , or simply made the wrong choice and thought that the test was just seeing through the whole thing and then having the courage to stand out and make that challenge .
2 Usually worn by those smug bastards who fidget relentlessly on planes and insist on getting up and walking round the whole time , demonstratively taking photos out of windows and asking for guided tours of the cockpit .
3 The trust provisions in section 61 draw no distinction of consequence between a declaration of trust relating to the whole deposit and one related to a defined part of a deposit .
4 Incentive payments to staff in the form of a bonus relating to the whole firm or department are possible and where used should be made in respect of a known period of time or on completion of certain jobs .
5 He states that natural justice , being a flexible term which imposes distinct requirements in different cases , is capable of applying to the whole range of situations encapsulated by the terms ‘ judicial , ’ ‘ quasi-judicial , ’ ‘ administrative ’ or ‘ executive ’ .
6 Now it must , I think , be conceded that the language of the enactment here in question is fairly express — express , that is to say , to the effect of making an unlimited and unqualified prohibition , applying to the whole area specified , and affecting everybody — whether British subjects or foreigners .
7 Men still do this — they talk of men 's struggles , movements and characteristics as if they were writing about the whole class .
8 The idea of the Big Chief Exec himself crashing in on the detail seems a poor use of resources itself and no more a guarantee of success when he should be looking after the whole business ( you have heard the litany : ‘ At first he came to every meeting , then occasionally he was called away , then he sent some deputy or other , and in the end we thought , what 's the point , if he does n't care , why should we ? ’ ) .
9 Writing with the whole self
10 It was the Russians they 'd been listening to the whole lot .
11 He worries that as a result the net effect of propagating WABI will be damaging to the whole Unix business .
12 A sample of ten different kinds of incident , ranging over the whole spectrum of demand ( burglary of a dwelling , theft from motor vehicles , shoplifting , disturbances , disturbed people , injury , traffic accidents , found property , civil emergencies , shotgun licensing and domestic disputes ) was followed through its police life , by analysing all police records , by observation of officers dealing with these incidents , and by both formal and informal interviews with officers of all ranks dealing with such incidents .
13 Many schools are now looking at the whole issue of profiling and records of achievement .
14 On page five , those of you who were at the last council meeting will know that the City Centre Management Working Party were charged with the responsibility of looking at the whole issue of street trading .
15 So that we 're prepared within the Rural Housing Trust to look at all these ideas , and we 've been looking at the whole question , we feel that this has got to be one for the planners , the planners must be involved in identifying where these problems lie , they 're not uniform , all across the country , er and it 's something that er we therefore need to use the planning er scenario entirely and fully in order to identify where the problem lies .
16 As well as ‘ reading ’ horizontally line one , it is also looking at the whole pattern at the same time .
17 And Tory arguments that the tax would make companies uncompetitive were not looking at the whole picture .
18 But looking at the whole thing from a higher perspective , it seems to me that the Leeds management may be thinking that we are not going to win the championship this season or at least they are prepared to wait another year to have a go .
19 The the Council looking at the whole process of how it spends it money what it does , I think the theatre the start of this evening we were looking quite close about what we do and how we do it what we do n't do and what we should do and I think from what 's been said this evening will be re look closely the questions you 've raised things that you 've raised we 'll report it back to you in the hope of this meeting that we 'll actually moved forward because I think it 's in everybody interest everybody 's interest if the playhouse closes .
20 Reading is encouraged across the whole spectrum of nursing literature rather , reflecting in part the principles of holism ; of caring for the whole person rather than being disease or disorder linked .
21 It was the people that were being drawn by the nose and paying for the whole thing .
22 But my , my view would be that I would er you know investigate this fully and er come forward with a recommendation , but that er my own er thought would be , and I I now take your thoughts , that we should not get ourselves erm launched into a very big , massive erm you know operation of advertising this franchise afresh and going through the whole procedure .
23 I finally got out of reception at around half-past seven , after going through the whole procedure , marking off all my stuff again ( which was checked before leaving Holloway ) , and a strip search .
24 Okay so there 's lots of showing somebody , actually demonstrating how something is made then doing it together step by step and as you say follow up with going through the whole stage not just making the plane but actually demonstrating how it works .
25 Good to see you checked to see if the wife would be there , okay pretty pointless going through the whole process if , if she has all the facts
26 And the crunch comes next month when the company has to face the possibility of closing down or selling off the whole business — although this will be a last resort and an acquisition or joint venture may be more likely .
27 In not believing such relations to be wrong , conservatives are going against the whole ethos of the modern world , in which it has increasingly come to be held that humans should be treated as equals .
28 I watched the hands of the clock going round the whole evening .
29 This ensure that there is something going on the whole time for both the spectator and the participator .
30 I ca n't remember the cost but you need to buy a plastic pump and a large bottle of the solution , it 'll last for ages and a good going over the whole house once a month will probably be your best bet .
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