Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the british [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But you were saying about er Australia and that I I think at that particular time more so than now whatever was happening in the British pop scene seemed to just happen all over the world you know .
2 However , she said : ‘ The caring 90s is a current media theme , and has more to do with caring about what is happening to the British society and what can be done about it , than about spending more to underpin the disadvantaged and the dependent . ’
3 We have produced reports year after year expressing anxiety at what was happening to the British coal industry .
4 This module enables the student to acquire a knowledge of the basic legal principles relating to the British system of government .
5 The market discounted the fact that most of the military policy-makers doubted the practicability of reverting to the British tradition of voluntary regular service without taking undue risks with the country 's security .
6 The alternatives are letter , fax , or looking for the British agent in the ads .
7 Italian maritime aircraft were soon out in force searching for the British Fleet , but not until after midday was it at last spotted .
8 Richardson is currently training with the British squad at Crystal Palace and is due to fly to Canada next month as part of the team 's build-up .
9 I was born to a British mother , and a father serving in the British Army in Malaysia during 1963 .
10 The deputy Labour leader , Margaret Beckett , told Tony Newton , the leader of the Commons , who was standing in for Mr Major at Question Time : ‘ How would you feel if you were serving in the British Army under fire in Bosnia and were handed a P45 ? ’
11 Her husband had been serving in the British Merchant Navy on the Russian Convoy run but after 1943 he was receiving psychiatric treatment in Shropshire somewhere for his nerves .
12 Renshaw ( 1988 ) writing in the British Journal of Social Work and Fisher ( 1990 ) , in Social Work and Social Sciences Review , both reveal an interesting consequence of this lack of empirical referents for care management .
13 Grace , writing in the British context , fixes those purposes in the urban elementary context of that country , too .
14 In Pakistan an old system dating from the British occupation has ensured that large parts of the North-West Frontier Province remain out of bounds to government officials .
15 More waders spent the winter of 1991/92 in British estuaries than ever before , according to the British Trust for Ornithology .
16 Farmland birds are declining in numbers and contracting their range because of modern farming techniques , according to the British Trust for Ornithology .
17 It is always advisable to have your carpet laid by a professional who will carry out the job according to the British Standard BS5325 .
18 Thus , according to the British consul , writing in 1873 , after four centuries of Turkish rule the commercial life was contemptible , ‘ plums being the most valuable article of trade in the province ’ .
19 The engine contract , according to the British government , is worth around £40 million .
20 Well according to the British Transport
21 By contrast , according to the British Franchise Association fewer than 10 p.c. of franchise operators go under .
22 According to the British Franchise Association ( BFA ) , franchising is the method by which the owner of a business ( franchisor ) contractually agrees to allow another independent person or company ( franchisee ) to market a certain product or service within a specified geographical area .
23 According to the British Tourist Authority that figure could rocket even higher thanks to the lower pound .
24 The AP correspondent would then read out the latest dispatch form Teheran and according to the British embassy , " The Shah would then put on his spectacles and , in a charming manner which endeared him to present , would comment in his quiet English on the news .
25 Leaving aside the commitment to the ‘ duties ’ of the new ‘ Union Citizens ’ ( which the genuinely non-Federalists in the British party presumably dismissed as ‘ meaningless generality ’ ) , the main text , according to the British view , was concerned with economic matters .
26 Over the past five years , shipboard transmitters have boosted their average out put from 400 watts to 2 kilowatts , according to the British Ship Research Association .
27 In Berlin , Bismarck pretended to believe that the internal instability affecting France presented a danger to the peace of Europe , remarking to the British Ambassador that : ‘ If the present Constitutional Government in France had been three years instead of three months in existence , there would be some chance for its duration and the maintenance of peace . ’
28 The party was ‘ not only telling itself , but exuding to the British public the feeling that we are fit to serve our country ’ , he said .
29 Concluding , Mr Kinnock looked beyond the conference : ‘ It is an encouragement , an inspiration to see this party working together , coming to a joint position on objectives , and of not only telling itself , but exuding to the British public the feeling that we are fit to serve our country . ’
30 Kenneth Clarke , the UK Home Secretary , announced on May 8 that intelligence operations to uncover Irish terrorist units operating on the British mainland would henceforth be led by MI5 , the UK security service .
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