Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] third [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though phrasing is sympathetic , and Masur allows a natural easing for the third theme in the first movement , this is not among warmer readings of this much recorded work .
2 Skinner continued in that appointment at Munsterlager and Catterick , before returning for a third tour in Northern Ireland , during which he was again mentioned in despatches .
3 You want to know what is happening in a Third World trouble-spot .
4 You can catch a sneak preview of some of the other pictures in this large ( almost 2 foot x 1 foot ) photo calendar by checking on the Third World Greetings Cards you 'll see around the catalogue .
5 Two teenegers … one fifteen the other ninteen … are still helping police with their inquiries … they 're still hunting for a third man .
6 If , instead of persuading B to break his contract or causing him to do so by direct unlawful action against him , A brings about the breach of the contract between B and C by operating through a third party , X , A may still be liable to C , provided unlawful means are used .
7 5.13.2 If called upon to do so to furnish to the Landlord the Surveyor or any person acting as the third party determining the rent in default of agreement between the parties under any provisions for rent review contained in this Lease such information as may [ reasonably ] be requested in writing in relation to any pending or intended step under the 1954 Act or the implementation of any provisions for rent review This seems quite innocuous but an unreasonable landlord could become a nuisance and apart from ensuring that " reasonably " is included , the tenant should also begin each subclause as follows : If called upon to do so ( but not more frequently than may be reasonable )
8 3.2 The right with the Surveyor and any person acting as the third party determining the Rent in default of agreement between the parties under the provisions for rent review contained in this Lease at [ any time or convenient hours and on reasonable prior notice ] to enter and to inspect [ and measure ] the Premises for all purposes connected with any pending or intended step under the 1954 Act or the implementation of the above provisions Any right of access given to the landlord is likely to be disruptive to the tenant 's business unless exercised outside normal business hours and in accordance with an arrangement previously settled by the landlord with the tenant .
9 The two sides were vying for the third spot behind Wakefield and Orrell in the Northern Division allocation for the national finals to be played at Bath on April 26 .
10 Often students are either nervous of venturing into the third field or ignorant that opinions and recommendations are required to complete the report .
11 There is now overwhelming evidence that outcome for people with schizophrenia in Western industrialized countries is markedly inferior to that of those living in the Third World .
12 Yesterday Lis , North Wales area secretary for Christian Aid , was giving her backing to a major campaign to promote better understanding of the problems faced by people living in the Third World .
13 Our expectation is that unemployment will continue to rise through 1993 , probably peaking in the third quarter .
14 If one looks at the international scene — as any university or special librarian must — the range of choice is further amplified , especially since publishing in the Third World is expanding very quickly .
15 Many authors writing in the third person use ‘ he ’ and ‘ his ’ , even when the references include or refer to women .
16 According to an apocryphal work dating from the third century , Thomas 's mission takes him even further .
17 Lifelike representations of Dicerorhinus in the form of bronze wine containers ( zun ) are known from the late Shang but also from as late as the Late Zou-Western Han period dating from the third century B.C. It was the transformation of the environment resulting from the spread of intensive agriculture that caused the rhinoceros , like the elephant , to retreat to the southernmost provinces of China and ultimately to abandon them completely .
18 But what , I think we do need to have is quite a a a a a we 've not a no solution body who would agree with me , er you know , some of the things that have gone on within the er er agricultural industry in terms of gang masters , which is if if surely if if if we had been more clearly defined if would enforce probably the whole industry into disrepute , and I feel that we do need a a a a a a a framework , with a with a supply into Europe , because in the end we will not just be competing against other European countries we will be competing against the third world and some producers that are producing very different situations , so , I I think er , and and I 'm concerned that it is the , it is that delegation , and it is the interpretation that our own government will put on it , because there 's been so much mythology surrounding Europe .
19 Half my year 's gon na be gone , and I 'm sort of , going for the third year , and it 's really heavy .
20 The estate agent is selling for a third party and it would be totally wrong that his client should suffer because of the false window-dressing of his agent .
21 We see : in ex.5a the first violins with this theme combination ; in ex.5b the first oboe in a parallel spot ; in ex.5c on the upper stave the cellos ( in the tenor clef ) first with the twice-repeated dotted linear theme , then the angular four-note theme , marked with strokes , joining ( now in the bass clef ) in bar 401 the basses in a third of the five themes ; on the lower stave the basses announcing the angular theme , with strokes , followed by a dotted fragment of the linear theme ( in support of the cellos ) leading into the third theme with its signal-like opening and descending quaver passagework .
22 Kim Milson , who won the first match , once again won his section and was leading the series , yours truly in second place and perfectly placed going into the third match which was to be fished on the Grand Union Canal at Slapton .
23 She paused at the landing leading onto the third floor .
24 DARLINGTON 'S hopes of remaining in the Third Division were dealt a severe blow in London last night when they crashed to their eleventh away defeat of the season .
25 Waiting in the third round could be fourth seed Boris Becker , who has had a torrid time in the build-up to the French Championships but who has a good chance to find his feet with a first round match against 579th-ranked French wild card Nicolas Escude .
26 Thomson does push ahead at the risoluto marking in the third movement slightly more than I care for , and there are one or two idiosyncratic touches elsewhere , albeit of little importance .
27 Even here the Communists had little success , their activity remaining on the third level of faction fighting and street corner abuse of the rest of the labour movement .
28 ( This perhaps indicates that it was tactically inept in this case for the plaintiffs to seek to persuade the court that the whole package of information was confidential. ) 5 Whether additional protection should be afforded to an employer where the former employee is not seeking to earn his living by making use of the body of skill , knowledge and experience which he has acquired in the course of his career , but is merely selling to a third party information which he acquired in confidence in the course of his former employment Goulding J drew no such distinction .
29 These two models were compared , leading to a third model that showed what could happen once the Act was implemented .
30 The chances of these Communist tactics leading to the Third World War by 1953 were deemed too high for any complacency in Western capitals .
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