Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [art] further [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gradually drizzle in the lemon juice and continue blending for a further 2min .
2 I do not see any relevant distinction between the provision of a structural survey at the request of a borrower applying for a further advance and the provision of a house buyers ' report in the same circumstances .
3 In 1973 , during Brezhnev 's visit to the United States , an agreement on the prevention of nuclear war was signed together with a set of basic principles relating to the further limitation of strategic nuclear weapons ; and in November 1974 Brezhnev and Nixon 's successor , Gerald Ford , signed a series of related agreements at Vladivostok .
4 A summons relating to the further appeal to the Hoge Raad was served at that office in accordance with an amendment to the Netherlands Code of Civil Procedure introduced in 1985 .
5 Parish Clerk Weekley , that man of power and aerial photographs , is pushing for a further diversion to include free eye-testing for the old , and has written to local doctors advising them of this .
6 For if we suppose this we shall fall into an infinite regress ; we shall find ourselves looking for a further interpretation .
7 The accountants ' error lay in receiving and acting upon a further claim which had not been in their terms of reference and had not been notified to the other party .
8 Some may see the bird 's warning cry as falling short of lying for a further reason .
9 Caterham 's turnover has suffered during the recession and the company is budgeting for a further drop to £7.96m in 1993 .
10 * However , a report by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme puts anticipated sea level rise at 2 metres by 2100 , leading to a further diminution of fresh water supplies on the Pacific islands , which already face a shortage .
11 II , thus leading to a further reduction in total money wages being paid etc .
12 We understand that service cuts are planned within the next few months , which we fear will bring a decline in use of the Line , thus leading to a further rundown and closure .
13 For instance , if someone knew that John and Mary always talk a lot when they go out , then that inference might be made in the face of example ( 4 ) , leading to a further set of mappings in which both John and Mary map into the same role-slot ( both are agents in a talking schema ) .
14 By this device control may be retained by a small proportion of the equity leading to a further rift between ownership and control .
15 They were : broadcasting policy ; safety at sports grounds ; the issues of press freedom and privacy which had been considered by a committee under the chairmanship of ( Sir ) David Calcutt QC in 1989–90 , leading to a further review of the effectiveness of newspaper self-regulation ; and the proposed National Lottery .
16 The President had also apparently abandoned his aim of holding the first round of legislative elections on Oct. 25 [ see p. 39086 ] , and agreed to reschedule them for late November ( with a number of opposition parties still calling for a further postponement ) .
17 More than half the inquiries related to family history , local history accounting for a further 13pc .
18 Plant owners AEA Technology say the process has found measuring inaccuracies accounting for a further 1.2kg .
19 Those staying for a further week will be transferred directly from Kufstein to their resort .
20 The manufacturing labour force in developed countries is now in accelerating decline as productivity and the investment per worker increases , this is resulting in a further increase in service industries and an increase in unemployment .
21 Their work was hampered when a large boulder blocking their way was moved , resulting in a further fall of shale which took them several hours to remove .
22 There , nestling on a further bed of tissue-paper , were five glass Christmas tree decorations .
23 But the prospect of economic growth rising by a further half-point during the next six months raised fears on the international currency markets of an uncontrolled expansion and increased concern about inflation throughout Europe .
24 Oxford Polytechnic , deriving from a further education institution with poor facilities , had a struggle to establish itself with the CNAA .
25 His responsibilities include those of assisting in the further development of the programme , monitoring the progress of the individual research projects , and formulating plans for the dissemination of research results .
26 Synthesis of eicosanoids was stimulated by vortex mixing for a further minute .
27 Eicosanoid synthesis was stimulated by vortex mixing for a further minute .
28 The early 1870s were a time of prosperity for the trade , and the ETS felt sufficiently confident to present a memorial to the employers in 1871 asking for a further reduction to fifty-one hours .
29 The maintenance contract is likely to increase to £5,000 p.a. by the end of 1993/94 , with additional repair costs on non-maintained equipment running at a further £3,000 p.a. ( average 15 repairs ) in the same period .
30 The Governing Body has decided that the income from this fund , which is used according to the By-Law to provide Edith Haynes Scholarships for either undergraduates or graduates of the College at the discretion of the Governing Body , will for the present be available to make grants in the first instance to mature graduates of the College who wish to continue or resume academic work , and are ineligible for State Studentships , or similar public support , by reason of age or inability to meet the requirement of residence in the U. K. Should no such applicant come forward , graduates of another university who are or have been members of the College reading for a further degree will be considered eligible .
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