Example sentences of "[num] he win a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Charles McCall began life as a clerk to a firm of lawyers in Edinburgh , but in 1933 he won a scholarship to Edinburgh College of Art , where he studied under DM Sutherland and SJ Peploe .
2 In 1879 he won a mathematics scholarship to Hertford College , Oxford , and was awarded a second in mathematical moderations ( 1880 ) and a third class in mathematics ( 1882 ) .
3 At 11 he won a seat on the school council by putting up his best friend to split the opposition vote ( ‘ I always was a devious bugger ’ ) , at 14 he joined Greenpeace and at 16 paid thirty bob to become a Liberal .
4 In 1858 he won a choristership at Magdalen College , Oxford , and entered the college 's school .
5 In 1840 he won a competition for the Dyers ' Company almshouses in Islington .
6 But in 1659 he won a landslide victory over a crypto-Royalist , and in the Parliament of Richard Cromwell [ q.v. ] he proposed Chaloner Chute [ q.v. ] as Speaker and rose to his feet ‘ 20 times a day ’ .
7 In 1980 he won a BAFTA award for best actor .
8 In 1938 he won a scholarship to Merton College , Oxford , where his influential tutor was Edmund Blunden [ q.v. ] , soldier-poet of an earlier war than that for which Douglas enlisted in 1940 .
9 In 1906 he won a fellowship at King 's and in 1911 published his book , Greek Tragedy .
10 In 1856 he won a science scholarship , which enabled him to enter Queen 's College , Galway , from which he obtained an LLB .
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