Example sentences of "[num] [noun sg] at the beginning " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the seamen , with the advantage of the 10s increase at the beginning of 1913 and the £poundl increase of the Admiralty Agreement , were better off than many others in the early months of the war .
2 Leonard Cheshire and I were pilot officers together in No 4 Group at the beginning of the war ; he came from the dreaming spires of Oxford and I had just been commissioned as a pilot officer after serving a stint of five years as a sergeant pilot .
3 One afternoon at the beginning of July , when the pub was closed for a few hours , she suggested they might take little Lil out for an airing .
4 The purchaser of a life assurance contract does not make one payment at the beginning of the contract but pays a premium in instalments over a number of years .
5 But , to the amusement of all in the hall , his support increased fourfold over the course of the debate from one vote at the beginning to four at the end .
6 I have now had 20 lessons , and completed my first solo flight one evening at the beginning of March .
7 As you will see the Q.T. days for the 1989/90 programme have been arranged with one day at the beginning of each term , as requested by you the teachers , and reflect the requests and feed-back given during the past year .
8 You will require bed and breakfast for one week at the beginning of August , and would like a family room with shower and toilet .
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