Example sentences of "[num] [noun sg] at the expense " in BNC.

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1 This leaves him with a personality that is highly developed in one direction at the expense of the rest .
2 In practice , binary oppositions are very liable to favour one term at the expense of the other , and there can be no doubt that Bakhtin preferred the dialogic to the monologic ( a bias that is evident in everyday English , where to engage in dialogue is good , and to utter a monologue is rather bad ) .
3 As much as I hate comparative reviews — I can never really justify deifying one package at the expense of several other perfectly good packages — WSWIN has facilities that I find to be very attractive and useful .
4 While this strategy may be appropriate for a ‘ mission area ’ where only a few pockets of Christians are to be found and they have to decide between going to one place at the expense of another , it must be applied rather differently in a situation where the Church has extensive geographical coverage .
5 The accession of a child-king was also a dangerous time , especially if he , or indeed a mature monarch , was dominated by one group at the expense of others .
6 The reason why reliance is more deserving of protection than expectations is that the former involves merely a resto-ration to the position once held , whereas the latter entails a transfer of wealth or the enrichment of one party at the expense of the other .
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