Example sentences of "[num] [prep] the purpose [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This body was founded in 1869 for the purpose of publishing not only the manuscripts of the heraldic visitations but other ‘ inedited ’ documents of a related nature .
2 The applicants contemplate use of the procedures in sections 234 to 236 of the Act of 1986 for the purpose of obtaining information , but those powers are only available to the applicants if they are ‘ office holders , ’ a term defined as including administrative receivers : see section 234(1) of the Act of 1986 .
3 6.1 For the purpose of accounting for the royalties payable under clause 5.3.2 , there shall be four accounting periods of three ( 3 ) months each ending on the last day of each calendar quarter , ie 31 March , 30 June , 30 September and 31 December in each year .
4 ( a ) Contents of the Register The Central Land Charges Register , like the Local Land Charges Register , was established under the Land Charges Act 1925 for the purpose of protecting various interests of a less parochial nature than the Local Land Charges Registers .
5 In Essex and Suffolk the rebels were sufficiently acquainted with the structure of local government to use the machinery of the hundreds for the purpose of mobilization ( 78 , p.217 ) .
6 In the first issue of Nord-Sud , a periodical which appeared in 1917 with the purpose of reintegrating and stimulating artistic life in Paris , Reverdy , feeling that some kind of objective evaluation of Cubism was by this time possible , wrote : ‘ Today for a privileged few the discipline can be taken for granted , and as they never sought for an art that was cold , mathematical and anti-plastic , wholly intellectual , the works which they offer us appeal to the lover of painting directly through the eye and the senses .
7 In July 1936 he gathered in his palace at Bishopthorpe a select team of ten for the purpose of preparing for the coming ecumenical conference .
8 Jesus and the Father were absolutely one in the purpose of winning the world .
9 Army Ogilby Trust ( Aldershot ) Established in 1954 with the purpose of collecting papers , books , journals and lists dealing with British regiments and their uniforms .
10 These powers were invoked in 1988 for the purpose of direct political censorship when the BBC and the IBA were ordered not to transmit any interviews with representatives of Sinn Fein , the Ulster Defence Association , the IRA or certain other extremist groups , or to broadcast any statement which incited support for such groups .
11 I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration , namely , ’ The need for a debate on the closure of the Volvo bus plant , formerly known as Leyland National , in my constituency ’ .
12 I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration , namely , ’ the announcement by British Coal of the loss of 13,000 jobs at the Prince of Wales , Sharlston , Kellingley and Whitemoor collieries and the closure of the topping cycle plant at Grimethorpe . ’
13 The hon. Member for Pontefract and Castleford ( Mr. Lofthouse ) asks leave to move the Adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that he believes should have urgent consideration , namely , ’ the effect on unemployment of the announcement by British Coal to further run down the coal industry in his own and in neighbouring constituencies . ’
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