Example sentences of "[num] [noun] held [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 At the July 1993 conference held by the Library of Congress on Delivering Electronic Information in a Knowledge-Based Democracy , participants conceded that the proliferation of an ‘ advanced information infrastructure ’ and the growing quantity of ‘ dynamic knowledge ’ would alter the traditional nature of the library .
2 Following December As enlarged 1990 election after unification* CDU 268 248 FDP 79 57 CSU 51 57** Governing coalition 398 362 SPD 239 226 Greens 0 Alliance 90 8 49 PDS 17 24 Others 0 2 Total 662 663 *For seat distribution immediately before unification see p. 37762. **Includes eight seats held by the DSU .
3 The last three detainees held under the Public Security Act were released on June 6 , 1989 , an order for the release of all such detainees having been made by Moi on June 1 [ see also p. 36918 ] .
4 Also in Dresden , police yesterday released 500 protesters held after the past week 's unrest .
5 The Central Electoral Board stated that more than 1,300,000 out of 3,275,000 eligible voters had abstained , the highest abstention figure in the 37 elections held since the proclamation of independence in 1844 .
6 These fees which are PAYABLE at the FIRST MEETING of each year cover the Four meetings held during the year and MUST be paid whether attended or not .
7 The region comprised a non-contiguous amalgamation of Sulu , the Tawi Tawi island group and the mainland Mindanao provinces of Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur ( the four provinces had approved the autonomy plan in the November 1989 referendum held in the 13 southern provinces of the Philippines — see p. 37042 ) .
8 The money was raised from two events held during the summer months to benefit St Gemma 's Hospice , The first being a sponsored walk in May at Roundhay Park and the second being a car treasure hunt and barn dance in June at St Theresa 's School .
9 They are the outcome of more than 20 conferences held throughout the UK and follow an investigation by Counsel and Care which revealed widespread demeaning restraint in homes .
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