Example sentences of "[vb base] yourself [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Let yourself go on the giant slide for an exciting ride .
2 Imagine yourself drifting on a tranquil lake one warm summer evening while the setting sun bathes an Alpine meadow ; imagine walking leisurely among scented pine woods and looking up wonderously at jagged peaks ; imagine simply strolling through a picturesque medieval town , admiring lovely gardens and sampling a range of regional gastronomic treats .
3 Relax deeply , then imagine yourself walking through a forest , feeling your feet on the ground , hearing the birds , smelling the flowers and trees .
4 Relax deeply , and imagine yourself walking through a beautiful forest .
5 Imagine yourself sitting on a grassy riverbank .
6 Imagine yourself centred along a straight line running from the top of your head to your feet .
7 If your Dream is to own your own business , then picture yourself playing with a toy sweetshop at the age of seven , or deciding not to be wage-slaves like your parents , or managing the household budget as an adult . )
8 How can you reach an acceptable level of data security and stop yourself falling into the ‘ it could n't happen to me ’ trap ?
9 Tell yourself to prepare for the worst .
10 Samuel Butler offers his readers a helpful hint : ‘ to know whether you are enjoying a piece of music or not , you must see whether you find yourself looking at the advertisement of Pears soap at the end of the programme ’ .
11 Now what is God saying to me through this passage ? … and you find yourself ruminating on the things you are anxious about , and you start to relate this to the person you are .
12 This means that you often find yourself moving in the opposite direction to the one intended which , of course , is extremely annoying .
13 You advertise it in libraries , schools and local newspapers and find yourself reading to an audience of about thirty five .
14 There 's a light switch near at hand inside that tank and , as you are wearing ear plugs , you find yourself floating in a soundless , dark and warm environment .
15 If you find yourself yearning for a relationship with someone where the feelings are not mutual , or the other person 's love has died , ask yourself what aspect of you that person represents .
16 You give a good firm aid that would have your youngster wandering gently off to the left and suddenly find yourself falling off the side because the old hand did a sharp left turn !
17 When there is n't enough time to do what must be done , you find yourself papering over the cracks and making stopgap decisions .
18 A new cooker or whatever can be a tremendous boon and investment but before you go out and spend money ask yourself questions about the way you live : is the pace hectic or leisurely ? how many and what sort of meals do you have to provide ? are you far from a good supermarket or freezer centre ? how much time do you have for shopping ? are you out at work all day ? do you grow your own vegetables ? how often do you entertain ? can you spend time on cooking and food preparation or is it always meals in a hurry ?
19 Force yourself to think of an effective here-and-now action and go ahead and do it .
20 Nottingham graduates coming back to Nottingham and visiting the University will be particularly welcome — please make yourself known to the staff of the Visitor Centre .
21 You 've to pick it up and then make yourself known to the check-in supervisor .
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