Example sentences of "[vb base] put it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 've put it into the bank and I shall give you the money .
2 ‘ I 've put it on the back burner , but have never given up the long-term goal of going round the world by sailboat .
3 I 've put it on the stairs you see so it 's got like double height to go to , it 's nearly filled that , the thing is , the
4 And I 've put it in the middle of the wall .
5 They 've put it in the sun whatever it is .
6 I 've put it I think I 've put it in the dishwasher
7 I 've put it in the paper this week again .
8 I 've put it in the fridge .
9 it 's same with a Samsung , I end up sometimes putting it in the Toshiba one , to re-wind it back , but I 've had some funny tapes I have just lately , it 's the tape that wo n't re-wind , because how I 've noticed been the tape like , cos I 've put it in the Toshiba and re-wound , but it would n't even re-wind in the Toshiba , so Arthur says well he says that 's the tapes
10 Even , even though they may be er , the they may work as a result of different o of the same enzyme activity in some cases the target for that enzyme activity and the receptors that have put it into the specific cells that are targeted lead to really very different biological effects .
11 I have put it to the inspector at the claims branch that there must be many cases of this kind which have been settled by local inspectors without so much correspondence ; his reply is that local inspectors are under instruction to pass the cases to claims branch .
12 They have put it to the test and found it true .
13 Well I have made a statement to the police and have put it in the police station in a sealed envelope .
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