Example sentences of "[vb base] been [verb] since [art] " in BNC.

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1 The bodies have not yet been identified , but it 's thought they 're Linda Bohlen and Stefan Mohr who 've been missing since the end of September .
2 We 've been going since the mid 70s , staying in a mountain range on the North West coast of the island .
3 Naturally the next field in which to try out this half-truth was politics , where people have been trying since the time of Demosthenes to fool all of the people all of the time .
4 The problems which derive from the decline in the industrial structure which gave rise to the North East as an industrial region have been recognized since the 1930s , and until the coming to power of the present government the same core strategy informed attempts to resolve them .
5 Both have been accelerated since the war by the widespread application of the internal combustion engine .
6 For special advice on this subject AIB turns to Roger Green of the RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine at Farnborough , where such things have been studied since the end of the First World War .
7 According to FECODE , the situation is not improving : 47 teachers have been killed since the beginning of 1991 and more than 400 have received death threats .
8 They have been living since the nursery with different materials around them and objects having different weights , and they have a concealed knowledge of ice-water-steam which is more helpful to a teacher at this stage than any class experiments .
9 The theme underlying much of this work is that broadly satisfactory , and reasonably simple , models exist for the huge variety of nonlinear optical processes which have been discovered since the advent of the laser : there is optimism that nonlinear optics can similarly provide simple systems showing the full range of chaotic behaviour .
10 Great advances have been made since the early days of computing , when specialist skills were needed for such interaction .
11 ‘ This is typical of the way we have been treated since the days of mass vesting of land , much of which was surplus to requirements . ’
12 Powerful stadium-style lights were turned onto the buildings where 105 followers of cult leader David Koresh have been barricaded since a shootout with men of the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms on 28 February in which four federal agents were killed .
13 While the hazards of the algae have been documented since the beginning of the century in places such as Australia and the United States , it has only become a serious problem in Europe recently .
14 It is not a recent development ; there have been mentally handicapped people for as long as there have been people , and efforts to cope with their presence have been proceeding since the last century .
15 The latest demonstration reforms proves the point what trade unions have been saying since the inception of Trust Hospitals and I think the word trust is the wrong word to use .
16 Major debates have been held since the late 1970s over the future of wetlands in Sussex , Somerset , Yorkshire , and East Anglia .
17 However , lessons have been learnt since the earlier transformations .
18 But the machines have been overwhelmed since the 1960s , not least by the impact of mass media and by demographic upheaval : New York 's non-Hispanic white population dropped from 77% of the total to 43% between 1960 and 1990 .
19 Already over 400 people have been shed since the beginning of the year , and the Prime Computer Inc that is going public on revised terms and will change its name to Computervision Corp , will end up with 5,900 people , and annual sales of some $1,200m , mainly computer-aided design software and maintenance .
20 Several hundred have been produced since the 18th century explorers brought more foreign languages into contact — and friction .
21 Gilding , silvering and tinning ( all involving the application of a thin layer of metal on to another metal ) have been used since the third millennium BC for decorative or practical purposes and also for deception .
22 Both names — the Latin Ragusa and the Slavonic Dubrovnik — have been used since the end of the first millennium to designate the settlement which was established on a rocky site below the limestone cliffs of Mt Srdj ( 412 m ) , facing the island of Lokrum .
23 Eight more discs have been published since the launch .
24 Mass strandings have been known since the time of the ancient Greeks ; Aristotle himself recorded them .
25 Excavations have been continuing since the eighteenth century , and in the early years much was lost in plundering and in destruction by lack of knowledge of the work .
26 Negotiations , which began last year , have been continuing since the collapse of the its parent company , Lilley , seven weeks ago .
27 Negotiations which began last year have been continuing since the collapse of the parent company , Lilley plc , seven weeks ago .
28 The Japanese archipelago is an important migration route for birds but nearly half its tidal flats have been reclaimed since the second world war .
29 Woolwich says six-month arrears are back to the levels of February 1988 and the Abbey National says short-term arrears have been declining since the end of last summer and repossessions are stable or falling .
30 Many lines in North Wales have been closed since the late 1940s , although the 1960s were also years of decline : figure 6.4 illustrates the railways closed to passengers in that region between 1948 and 1976 ( Halsall 1979 ) .
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