Example sentences of "[vb base] at the bottom [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Right , we , we , we did actually draw , or we not draw , we , we adopted a constitution during the year and the officers that are erm elected are the Chair , the Secretary and the Treasurer , erm and other , together with other such officers , yeah to determine by general meeting , erm , so it 's really only those three , er and we have sometimes had Advice Chair if there 's only been one Chairman have n't we , one Chair person erm so I think people need to say if they do n't wish to carry on the jobs they 're doing and if anybody wishes to nominate anyone in a particular post then slip at the bottom of the minutes could be filled in and either brought to meeting or sent back to the Secretary .
2 And if you look at the bottom of that table , somebody up to the age of thirty nine , will pay two percent of their premium erm , for the waiver of premium benefit .
3 Look at the bottom of the table and you can see how tough it is going to be .
4 The female 's sperm storage tubules are sausage-shaped and sperm lie at the bottom of the tube .
5 The rest , including your own clothes , now lie at the bottom of some deep , evil-smelling swamp .
6 A woman does n't fall down steep stairs then lie at the bottom as if she is fast asleep . ’
7 You know at the bottom of the market green .
8 The equivalent during reading is having our eyes arrive at the bottom of the page without the slightest understanding of what the author had intended .
9 This timing is vital even on the smallest of waves since if you pump at the bottom of a wave you will not go any faster .
10 The other one , could I just correct something on the last line of er , comment at the bottom of the , bottom of page two .
11 Caterpillars produce fairly large quantities of droppings which collect at the bottom of the cage .
12 I thought we 're gon na so we came out of Paul 's place , behind Belmont Parade , up past the ponds there and that 's and I 'm knackered , I 'm going up river , had no you start at the bottom of Belmont Parade , up those ponds up to the traffic lights where you change buses , that 's all up hill and it 's slow , and you 've just started and you 're not warm and it 's like running out of here , running up that hill there , now you could run up that hill if you got , if you had sort of round a couple of times round nice , no one so more ready to go , you 'd run up there , you come out of here , run down here , not warm , feel you get , well I come out of there and , and you get , you go up past that set of traffic lights , you go up and you 're still struggling past The Bull , that 's still up hill , you get to the , just round that bend and it starts dropping down , and it 's a gradual drop down , below the roundabout and the next roundabout 's pretty level there , not too bad a roundabout , right the way across to Scades Hill , went down Scades Hill , right the way down to Alton , bottom of Alton high street , came out by the toilets at White Hart to High Street , up to house .
13 It means instead the end of childhood and freedom , the beginning of a new life as a slave and chattel at the bottom of a hierarchy in someone else 's family .
14 N.T.A. was considered the alternative to phosphates in washing powders at the start of the 80's , but it is now banned in the USA because it combines with heavy metals , as does E.D.T.A. In this way carcinogenic substances such as lead , mercury etc. , which normally remain at the bottom of lakes and rivers , are reintroduced to the water supply .
15 You also see at the bottom of the slide , I 've put two asterisks , on the twenty ninth and the thirtieth .
16 Plants which root at the bottom with leaves borne on vertical stems .
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