Example sentences of "[vb base] in the public [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What we want in the public service are the best people , irrespective of whether they are men or women .
2 As far as the first point is concerned , there is I believe a real appeal for many people , not least on Christian grounds , in arguing that the overriding need at present in the U K is for the government , the TUC and the CBI to sit around a table and talk , so that both corporations and unions will change their behaviour and act in the public interest rather than their own self-interest .
3 Constitutional changes also figure in the public choice programme of reform in order to reduce the power of demand groups , thereby making it more difficult for bureaucrats to oversupply public goods .
4 Again I do n't want to be uncharitable but Cecil Parkinson I suspect in the public view is a man somewhat but not entirely without trace .
5 of CalMac employees who remain in the public sector , why can not it be the case with the rest who will be transferred to the private sector ?
6 So it should be governed by the same economic laws of supply and demand ’ — whilst in one sense salutary , may strike a chilling note to those who believe in the public library 's responsibilities for satisfying minority tastes .
7 It is first necessary to consider whether the SIB and the SROs operate in the public law sphere .
8 It is clear that SROs operate in the public law sphere and the exercise of their powers is also amenable to judicial review .
9 In so far as the auditor in the public sector is expressing an opinion on financial statements , then the Auditing Standards and Guidelines that apply in the private sector also apply in the public sector , absent specific statements to the contrary ( Auditing Guideline 416 , 1987 ) .
10 The three E's audit in the public sector receives most attention in the literature .
11 erm Magistrates only send people to prison because they feel the circumstances of the case justify it and erm I think in the public mind erm the criticism is more often the reverse , that Magistrates are too soft , and I 've heard Lord Hailsham say more than once that if we do pay a price for the lay magistrate system it is leniency because what happens , and the difference between the lay magistrate system and the stipendiary system or the Crown Court system is that Magistrates do sit in threes , and what that tends to do is lead to compromises in sentence because discussion between three people irons out extreme views and you do tend to end up with a very well considered compromise view , which probably does tend to be more lenient than a sentence imposed by any one person who might himself take a very serious view of the circumstances .
12 According to the first theory , which is the one the Greeks themselves prefer , they behave as they do in the public side of life because of what history has done to them .
13 I believe that he was misleading the House and the country by those assertions , because the burden of the case of those of us who think that the Bill is completely irrelevant to the problems of our prisons which it purports to tackle is that the penalties already exist in the Public Order Act 1986 , for which the Government can legitimately take credit .
14 That is welcomed by those who work in the public service as much as by those who use it .
15 She admires wealth-creators , entrepreneurs , and people who have taken a chance in the market rather than those who work in the public sector .
16 That means little or no Pay Rises for those who work in the Public Sector .
17 It is a fairly cynical thesis but one that is not without its merits , as those who work in the public sector might testify .
18 Politicians also need to respect the motivations of those who work in the public sector .
19 This means the time they spend in the public sector is often much less than that for which they are contracted .
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