Example sentences of "[vb base] not see [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All I can say to the objectors in both categories is that those who do not see a problem do not have a problem , and they can happily ignore what I have written .
2 So Rediffusion engineers do not see a future for monomode fibre except for trunk lines .
3 ‘ But if my name has been so discredited , I do not see a remedy . ’
4 I admit you do not see the copies of the letters I send or the reports spies send me . ’
5 Many of them do not see the benefits of moving to a smaller , nationally based firm .
6 Caroline Durkan , the GDA senior projects executive handling the scheme , said yesterday : ‘ It places us in an awkward position if we try to get cash from the public sector if the private sector do not see the benefits of Citywatch . ’
7 Incidentally the majority of the field ( followers ) do not see the kill ; they are not right up with hounds , nor are they supposed to be , and it happens too quickly .
8 But that is a pity , for then they do not see the wood for the trees .
9 Pretend they do not see the degradation
10 " And " is by no means always used in its Boolean sense ( consider " yachting and boating " ) , but " or " usually is so intended ( people use " or " rather than " and " when they do not see the concepts which it separates as being particularly closely related ) .
11 Pupils are tempted not to do the job properly because they do not see the work as proper' maths .
12 When people such as Martin , consult me not in order to seek help in overcoming a particular problem , but to help them to understand themselves , their motivation and their spiritual journey better , I do not see the patient at weekly or fortnightly intervals but leave gaps of anything up to six or eight weeks between visits .
13 ‘ I think you do not see the problem
14 Kellett-Bowman ) asked in her characteristically robust way why the Labour party and the Liberal Democrats do not see the urgency of this matter .
15 The nationalists do not see the emergence of nationalism in this way .
16 On the Conservative side this element is based in the Smoking Room , and is composed of the men with estates or directorships who do not see the House as their primary source of prestige or income .
17 We are an irreligious people , we do not see the silver water balloons on the trees and the tall beech trees clothed in their green armour of lichens like prophets .
18 There was a phrase screeched into the microphone by a hoarse-voiced member of Socialist Workers ' Students ' Organization : ‘ The government must be deaf , dumb and blind if they do not see the madness of this war . ’
19 We do not see the need for the level to be higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics .
20 Other Churches do not see the need for such a sacramental structure and urge their people to ask God directly for the forgiveness of sins .
21 I simply do not see the need to exalt one code by denigrating the other .
22 Having read the resolution of the 1990 Congress of the Communist Party , I am in broad agreement with the positions adopted , except for one : I do not see the need for an ‘ association ’ alongside the Party .
23 It is essential that the members of a history department do not see the introduction of National Curriculum history as their entire curriculum .
24 Not only do we have the situation in the UK where partial-hearing units ( PHUs — integrated settings ) are using Total Communication ( e.g. Hegarty , Pocklington and Lucas , 1982 ) , but young deaf people do not see the use of BSL as a function of their contact or lack of contact with hearing people .
25 ‘ We all know about criminal cases and traffic offences , but there are many aspects of the work of the Magistrates Court which do not see the light of day as far as the general public are concerned , for example juvenile and matrimonial cases .
26 ‘ Then you are a trifle short-sighted and do not see the general for the particular .
27 Birds , like planes , usually face into the wind , so they do not see the plane coming .
28 The NII says its staff ‘ do not see the laundry as representing significant safety problems ’ .
29 ‘ I do not see the point in raking over old coals , ’ he said philosophically .
30 They are all great prospects , not just for Lancashire but for England , and I do not see the point in getting depressed when there is such a wealth of promise for the future making its presence felt in the club . ’
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