Example sentences of "[vb base] in the middle [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Walk in the middle of the pavement
2 Note the ‘ Valkyrie ’ shape in the middle of the control yoke , showing the position and number of the fuel tanks .
3 Look in the middle of the back , here , from just above the waist upwards .
4 But why start early and finish in the middle of the day ?
5 Stand in the middle of the border , tip the seeds on to the palm of your hand and throw them up in the air as high as you possibly can .
6 When you stand in the middle of the river a hundred and twenty feet wide , and look each side of you , it 's a rum 'un .
7 ‘ Whenever I stand in the middle of a big field , ’ she said , ‘ I expect some harpy to come flying at me with a hockey stick .
8 In fact I just stand in the middle of the bedroom looking like a favourite rich uncle on a flying visit from South America , urging her to choose where she 'd like to eat , and not worry about the cost .
9 Julia did n't care a sod about that kid , she 'd let her to scream on , stand in the middle of the garden screaming , indoors screaming and she said to me I have no feelings for her whatsoever but she took the bloody money every week and this is what 's so wrong , nobody knows how she er was as that child , only people like us who would hear
10 A simple exercise can demonstrate this excess tension in the neck muscles : sit in a chair and place either hand on the back of the neck so that the two middle fingers just meet in the middle of the neck at the base of the skull .
11 The catholic meet in the middle of the night I think do n't they .
12 I ride in the middle of the lane .
13 The Seychelles lie in the middle of the Indian Ocean , just a few degrees south of the equator .
14 Almost a quarter of road accidents happen in the middle of the afternoon and experts are warning that just one drink at lunchtime can make you fall asleep at the wheel .
15 Most people on a very windy day , and we had a couple you know in the winter there did n't we , and storms wind storms , and there are n't many people who say , you know in the middle of that storm , oh I feel quite comfortable , I 'm quite happy with this .
16 it had , erm one of them cast iron baths you know in the middle of the bathroom with the sort of er curly legs , Queen Anne type legs on it
17 Yeah get in the middle of mu I
18 WHEN Swedish authorities suddenly changed the wording they wanted on 50,000 yacht paint cans , Courtaulds Coatings found itself slap in the middle of a crisis .
19 I step on a few and watch them crack in the middle like a sheet of glass .
20 No , well mostly toilet in the middle of the night but I go straight back to bed and go back to sleep again .
21 Occasionally , though , a think-tank is lucky and its latest thoughts land in the middle of a policy debate .
22 It was slap bang in the middle of Truro , at the very foot of the Cathedral steps .
23 ‘ He had landed bang in the middle of the roof and it had caved in .
24 Despite being slap bang in the middle of the historic capital men 's style , it will have a decidedly younger edge than many of its neighbours , targeting young British men who Tarling believes are rejecting fashion for its own sake and returning en masse to classics that will last longer than a season .
25 WELCOME TO Meridian — the birthplace of country music , and slap bang in the middle of the region that brought you jazz , the blues and rock'n'roll .
26 That was when I saw it , right in front of me , a large lump of rock bang in the middle of the track .
27 If there was any doubt , there 's one very nice curl of metal swarf , shed from the shoe , bang in the middle of one of those prints .
28 So unless you 've put in something totally hideous like an ornamental fountain slap bang in the middle of the wildflower meadow , ’ he teased , ‘ or designed a terrace that has multi-coloured crazy paving — ’
29 WELCOME TO Meridian — the birthplace of country music , and slap bang in the middle of the region that brought you jazz , the blues and rock'n'roll .
30 With anxiety uppermost , she flicked an abstracted glance to her rear-view mirror and , oh , grief , she thought , realising only then that the road she was on being more of a lane really , she was stuck bang in the middle of it and there was a sleek black Mercedes sat behind her , patiently waiting to pass .
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