Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [to-vb] the whole " in BNC.

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1 It 's almost mesmeric as well is n't it , this repetition of now , now , now between between the but as as you were saying , it 's sketching all the details in so you , if you were sketching a fox , you know you begin somewhere and say you begin with the nose you 've just got a little detail the nose and the eyes but eventually you 've got to put the whole sketch in .
2 this was on , in the morning , in the afternoon they said his leg would deteriorate , they 've got to take the whole leg off so he said we 'll give it another go and see what happens , course by this time he said the operation has n't
3 You 've got to take the whole lot as a unit .
4 You 've got to lift the whole lot off the wall and unthread the curtains and put back the right number of rings and hooks and it 's a palaver and I have n't done it .
5 Perhaps unsure of exactly what to expect from Alsace wines , it seems British wine drinkers have tended to give the whole lot a miss .
6 To help fashion the ‘ whole child ’ they have needed to know the whole child .
7 That is to say , all species have tried to convert the whole world in to themselves if they possibly can .
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