Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] hard [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The men and women I met often spoke of regret and loss — not a nostalgia for the past , those glazed memories that falsify the hard history of the working people by claiming that the past was better .
2 Therefore the MPs in question are unlikely to have lined up lucrative jobs that preclude the hard slog of putting black upon white .
3 People say the hardest job in the game is putting the ball in the net , but that 's not true .
4 Open up — watch the hard rasp as the key slides into the lock — and step inside .
5 Doubtless they describe the hard life of the villager and the poverty of his surroundings as Crabbe saw them : but he was not a peasant , as Clare was , and he saw them from the outside as harsh , ugly and wretched .
6 Anyway , other things have indeed changed : it is ridiculous to pretend that the events of last September , and the exchange-rate strains in Europe that have creaked intermittently ever since , raise no hard questions about the future of the ERM and the prospects for monetary union .
7 But does their mother think they get a hard time at school from the locals ?
8 The starting premiss here coincides with what is basically the common sense belief , viz. that things or entities constitute the hard core of reality .
9 It has behind it an ideal ; it aims primarily at getting working men and women of this country abroad in order that the scales shall fall from their eyes through real comradeship with those who do the hard work in other countries .
10 I just play a hard game of hustle and bustle . ’
11 You leave by the fenced footpath at the entrance , turn right at the road and cross into Freeholders ' Wood and follow the hard path towards the Lower Falls .
12 The latter allows both parties a chance to stand back from the daily routine and take a harder look at overall performance .
13 At either end of the beach , where the sea beats directly on the face of the cliffs , the crabs have a harder time of it .
14 " The peasants have a hard time of it all round , it seems to me .
15 Independent film productions have a hard time in this country .
16 ‘ I have no hard feelings towards Steve , ’ insisted Hirst , who looked certain to make today 's squad for the September 9 friendly in Spain after his five-goal start .
17 We have no hard evidence of the origins of language in prehistoric communities , but it seems reasonable to assume that speech preceded writing and dialogue preceded monologue .
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