Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [art] [adj] pace " in BNC.

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1 On alternate days walk at a slower pace to help you build up a regular habit of walking .
2 They walk at a leisurely pace and if prodded , often ‘ play dead ’ .
3 The important thing is to increase time before pace ; so walk at a moderate pace for 30 minutes , gently stretching yourself as you go .
4 DAY 10 — Walk at a moderate pace for 30 minutes .
5 You can now increase your walking time from 30 minutes to 45 minutes per day : walk at a moderate pace for 45 minutes .
6 DAY 17 — Walk at a moderate pace for 45 minutes .
7 Today , walk at a moderate pace for 45 minutes .
8 All cold-blooded creatures move at a leisurely pace , but are capable , as we have seen , of sudden flights of speed when necessary .
9 Cattle and sheep move at a leisurely pace over the earthworks that mark where men once lived and worked .
10 If Southland 's game is representative of New Zealand rugby , then it 's quick and the forwards move at a great pace ’ — JACK ROWELL ( England ‘ B ’ coach in New Zealand ) after the 31–16 win against Southland .
11 Competitors understandably try on every shot , but play at a funereal pace .
12 In fact , since free fighting changes all the time to meet new circumstances and requirements , the stances also change at a rapid pace .
13 There is little doubt that their handwriting skills develop at a slower pace than their linguistic skills .
14 The second and fourth acts end with massive , sectional ensemble finales in which varying numbers of characters appear and disappear , as in a farce , and create new crises ( to which solutions rapidly have to be found ) that contribute to the overall pace and tension of the drama .
15 ‘ If you ran a mile race , you would go off fairly quickly then settle at an even pace before building up towards the end .
16 You have to follow the rules and work at the right pace to make it work .
17 Discover at a gentle pace this idyllic island and its people .
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