Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] itself " in BNC.

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1 Sending such digital signals lends itself well to using light along optical fibres rather than electrical signals along copper wires .
2 The influence of these broad parameters makes itself felt in the opening pages of the Report , to the extent that the Committee is prepared to revise its very terms of reference in the light of its wider concerns .
3 One of these unthinkable night-thoughts thinks itself now : it 's because of Summerchild that I 'm sitting here stroking Timmy 's head .
4 Under that Rule , the party confirming that the resources are available will not be expected to produce the cash itself provided , in giving the confirmation , it acted responsibly and took all reasonable steps to assure itself that the cash was available .
5 A firm which is an independent adviser must take all reasonable steps to inform itself , and all others acting on its behalf fully about what packaged products are available on the market and :
6 A firm which is a tied firm must take all reasonable steps to inform itself and others acting on its behalf fully about what packaged products are available from the marketing group to which it belongs , and must not proceed with a packaged product for a private customer if it is aware of another packaged product from the marketing group 's product range which would meet the customer 's requirements better .
7 Dulwich inevitably suffers from its geographical situation four miles south of central London , and currently lacks any surplus funds to promote itself through increased advertising .
8 During much of the civil war and Interregnum , the English church was far too preoccupied with its own internal convulsions to concern itself with its relations with Catholic and Protestant communities abroad .
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