Example sentences of "[det] [prep] whom [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It is not surprising that many people , some of whom may have seen the equity in their homes rise tenfold , should decide to spend more .
2 Performing King Lear in the round meant making eye-contact with members of the audience , some of whom may have really been embroiled in mayhem the actors were merely playing at .
3 Similar attitudes of troops of occupation of all ages and in all places , from South America to India , help us understand the revulsion now felt by many Britons , some of whom may have been sympathetic to Rome and hopeful of recognition of their natural rights and dignity .
4 He was survived by his widow and seven sons and five daughters , some of whom may have been from his previous marriage .
5 I am sure that the House wished to join him in sending its sympathy to the many victims , some of whom may have suffered irreparable damage .
6 The January 1983 Medau News would contain an article explaining the new system to all and a letter would be sent to class secretaries ( some of whom may have changed since Sept. ) asking again for their help in encouraging membership amongst class members .
7 They made extensive use of sub-contractors , some of whom might agree to bring as few as a dozen men-at-arms and archers to the force .
8 That meant a reservoir of skilled engineers , some of whom might have accumulated 15 or more years ' experience before being made redundant or taking early retirement .
9 Investors , some of whom might have earlier come out with a fortune were suddenly losing .
10 The true type , as personified by my own and other mothers , was destined to bear child after child , some of whom could miscarry , some of whom could die , and all of whom were a perpetual source of worry and expense .
11 In so far as the general picture is intelligible , it appears that we are dealing with a group of warlords in the north , some of whom could claim to be upholding Roman jurisdiction .
12 The true type , as personified by my own and other mothers , was destined to bear child after child , some of whom could miscarry , some of whom could die , and all of whom were a perpetual source of worry and expense .
13 There will be increasing resentment of the greed of many top tennis players , some of whom will do immense damage to the game they adorn .
14 There are the careerists amongst the senior management of the school , some of whom will seem to have ‘ sold out to the system ’ : to affect a philosophy in so far as it looks in their own interests to do so , to have become executives and to have lost touch with the pupils .
15 It is of course not easy and there are few ready-made answers for a church group trying to provide bereavement care for all those with whom they come in contact , some of whom will have family members who have committed suicide .
16 Over one-third of single mothers with dependent children were cohabiting in 1985 , and many divorced and separated women , some of whom will have children , constitute a significant number of additional step-families , in fact , if not in law ( Central Statistical Office , 1988 ) .
17 The question may have niggled at the 7,776 advertising talents who entered their work for the prestigious Design & Art Direction Awards , some of whom will turn up tonight at a glittering Grosvenor House junket to find out whether they have won one of the silver or gold pencils .
18 The Mourabitoun then held a press conference to explain the significance of this new weapon while the correspondents — few of whom could speak Arabic — waited in patience to know the weight of the warhead , its height and range .
19 In its standard form , the Prisoners ' Dilemma is a game played by two players , each of whom may choose either to cooperate , C , or defect , D , in any one encounter .
20 The Executive Committee shall meet not less than twice a year in every calendar year : decide its own procedure : elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman , each of whom may hold the office for a maximum period of four consecutive years .
21 This is obviously far more satisfactory than leaving it to a widely dispersed class of persons each of whom may lack the skill , interest and financial resources required if he is to take action on his own .
22 Geoffrey Chaucer could not hold a conversation with a modern Englishman , even though they are linked to each other by an unbroken chain of some twenty generations of Englishmen , each of whom could speak to his immediate neighbours in the chain as a son speaks to his father .
23 Suppose we have M individuals , each of whom can perform any of M tasks .
24 The greater landowners would also employ other gentlemen servants in the management of their estates in the early eighteenth century , some of whom might be freeholders , and all of whom would have connections with the voting freeholders , and while it is true that some of these appointments were poorly paid , one has to bear in mind the comparative poverty of so many of the Scottish gentry in terms of money income .
25 Paul Hutchins , who is the director for Puma 's Tennis Support programme , has enlisted the help of the company 's various contracted sports personalities , all of whom will make themselves available as part of the prize to the winning team , relevant to their sport .
26 Since then , the mill ( which is not open to the public ) has been visited by a large number of interested bodies , all of whom must have been greatly impressed with this tale of hard work , expense and perseverence .
27 Salvidge proposed to delete these insulting words but could not even find a seconder ; nine MPs were present , including Younger , Sanders and Neville Chamberlain , all of whom must have approved of the resolution or seen the futility of attempting to amend it .
28 ‘ Not just for us , but for lessees , many of whom might have found it difficult to get finance elsewhere . ’
29 Yet at a time when the rest of the industrialized world is moving towards a forty hour week , women , many of whom may work at least eighty hours per week , are encouraged to regard this as not being work .
30 The idea has proved popular among villagers , many of whom would like to see a return to the days when they could safely leave their doors unlocked .
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