Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] lead " in BNC.

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1 This in turn might lead to very rapid increases in global temperature .
2 It is , however , impossible to separate out processes acting at different scales and over different periods : a single volcanic eruption lasting hours or days sometimes leads to dust and gas being ejected into the atmosphere over a period of months and this in turn may lead to global climatic fluctuations over years or decades .
3 The most important general example is the use of modified historic-cost accounting in Britain and Australia which systematically overstates profits by understating the value of real capital , and this in turn may lead to inadequate retention of operating surpluses and the winding down of the assets of the business .
4 This in turn must lead to a single ‘ compensatory ’ and complementary fiscal and taxation authority and thus to the surrender by the nation states of the means for controlling the material well-being and destiny of their citizens .
5 This in turn can lead to disputes .
6 This in turn can lead us to query the legitimacy of judicial review , since it appears to be an ad hoc affair rather than a process governed by any firm and coherent standards .
7 This in turn will lead us to an examination of how corporate law scholars have sought to offer new ways of legitimating corporate managerial power and how these too prove to be unequal to the task .
8 This in turn will lead to more imports .
9 I try to maintain pure watercolour technique here , as the introduction of a white body colour such as gouache can lead to all sorts of awful problems .
10 When the findings have been put into the kitty then relationships between facts and relationships between research studies can be seen more clearly and these in turn will lead the knowledgeable research worker to spot the points where further enquiry needs to be made .
11 The reflectance of pyrobitumen increases very rapidly with maturation , so that the assumption that the reflectance values are identical with those of vitrinite can lead to interpretational errors , especially in the narrow zone of catagenesis between immaturity and metagenesis .
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