Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] to see [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't miss this opportunity to see the product of a European system that makes the best of emerging talent by staging work to a high standard .
2 This readiness to see a company that has been in state hands since 1922 pass into private , maybe foreign , ownership is rare .
3 I have called to this pub to see a friend , the tall attractive barmaid in black , the Irish one , my lover 's ex , by the way .
4 To Westminster Abbey , and there did see all the tombs very finely , having one with us alone , there being other company this day to see the tombs , it being Shrove Tuesday .
5 However there 's nice light this morning to see the marks of the pitsaw across that beam , the big two man pitsaw .
6 And finally Mr chairman on this point , we did in fact do some checking to see the sense of using what the county planning committee had recommended to the H er Highways and Transport Committee that they should regard the six five eight , A five nine one as the correct link to the A one .
7 Findings of the kind cited above led the planners of this project to see a need for more intensive and more flexible care for dementia sufferers living at home , particularly for those at the margins of home and institutional care .
8 But it is quite another thing to see the truth clearly and wilfully to reject it ; quite another thing to ascribe the power of the Holy Spirit to the devil — which is what the scribes were doing .
9 We are in close touch with our allies on this matter to see the ways by which assistance can perhaps be given , and contracts can be placed , for valuable work to be done which would occupy such scientists , in addition to the part that they might also play more directly in some of the work involved in the dismantling and disabling programme of that massive nuclear arsenal .
10 Thirty five thousand visitors are expected to attend the show this weekend to see a collection of classic American gas-guzzlers.Mike Dolan reports .
11 Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire is the place to be this weekend to see the world 's best three day eventers in the Audi International Horse Trials .
12 In mid-August a dozen members paid an evening visit to the Bridgnorth area , not this time to see the Severn Valley Railway , but to see the Oldbury Live Steam Museum , a complete garden given over to a variety of exhibits , mainly around a railway theme , but also with models of vintage buses , ships and aeroplanes .
13 It might not be very long now before the DMU 's , with their excellent visibility , will be replaced by Sprinters , so this could well be our last chance for some time to see the views along the line really well .
14 The hon. Gentleman will appreciate that it would not be the first inspector 's decision that took some time to see the light of day once it had been referred to a Department .
15 How the Other Half Lives A divorced woman rings her ex-spouse : Perhaps you could spare some time to see the children on Saturday …
16 It 's always such fun to see the faces behind the brand names — I bet you never thought the faces behind your face looked like this !
17 Many scientists were astonished at home that evening to see the faces of the two chemists appearing on the television as Dan Rather on the CBS evening news headlined the Utah work as ‘ a remarkable breakthrough ’ .
18 Piers sent his love and was all for going up to London that minute to see the painting .
19 In preparing for a raid on a beach there was less opportunity to see the lie of the land than before conventional military raids .
20 He has not spoken to the child 's mother , Monika Kocanek , nor made any attempt to see the baby since her birth .
21 Willie expected at any moment to see the tips of two red horns slowly emerging from under his hair , but they did n't .
22 It 's very easy within our own company to see the stages that Cadbury has gone through .
23 Tate saw clearly the point at issue : ‘ Mr Eliot 's critics are a little less able each year to see the poetry for Westminster Abbey ; the wood is all trees ’ .
24 It was not common at that time to see a soldier at home in Britain wearing parachute wings , for despite the Parachute Regiment — a newcomer to the army 's Order of Battle — having mounted raids in France and Italy , and having taken part , with heavy casualties , in the Tunisian and Sicilian campaigns , airborne forces did not have a very noticeable public profile before the days of Normandy and Arnhem .
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