Example sentences of "[vb pp] herself [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She has also sketched herself slumped on the floor , with her mother brandishing a syringe and a key .
2 I wondered whether it was because neither of them had stirred herself to go through the contortions attendant upon attracting men , but it was n't that .
3 She is never entirely comfortable until she has surveyed those before her , put them mentally in their places and seen herself rise to the top in doing so .
4 ‘ It is that hard , ’ he said ominously , and I thought of John Maggovertski 's sadness for a pretty girl who had whored herself to pay for the white powder .
5 From what her mother had told her the experience would be horrendous and she had cried herself to sleep for the past week thinking about it .
6 The mute teenager has also drawn herself bound to a bed being forced to take part in a ceremony , and slumped on the floor , with her mother holding a syringe and a key .
7 The mute teenager has also drawn herself bound to a bed , being forced to take part in a ceremony .
8 No , instead she had got herself fitted with a big , bossy secretary 's pair .
9 Though she had nothing remotely suitable with her to wear to a party , over the past hour or so , as she 'd arranged salami slices and stuffed olives and listened to Agnese and Filippo 's bubbly chatter , she 'd found herself slipping into a party mood .
10 But after the disorientation of the first few seconds she had found herself entranced by the city below her spread out like a living map .
11 Emily smiled , her aunt could be a holy terror but tonight she would be on her best behaviour because the élite of the Swansea gentry would be at the Race Ball and Aunt Sophie had not found herself invited into the social circles lately , not since Craig 's arrest .
12 And then , when that clearly had n't worked , Laura had found herself lapsing into a sullen , resentful attitude , defiantly refusing to have anything to do with the beastly old woman .
13 She was really feeling tired now , half wishing she had n't indulged herself taking in the sights .
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