Example sentences of "[vb pp] to work [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Union of October ( Octobrists ) , a loose political alliance led by landed nobility and a few prominent industrialists , was formed to work with the Tsar on the basis of the Manifesto .
2 More enthusiastic was the Union of 17 October ( Octobrists ) , a loose political alliance led by landed nobility and a few prominent industrialists , which was formed to work with the Tsar on the basis of the Manifesto .
3 Two policemen are killed during a break-in at the Presidio ( a San Francisco military base ) and a former military policeman ( Mark Harman ) is assigned to work on the case with his former commanding officer ( Sean Connery ) who he hates .
4 Beginning as a Cossack revolt against government encroachment on their traditional liberties , the uprising rapidly attracted support from Old Believers , minority nationalities trying to shake off Russian colonization ( most notably the Bashkirs ) , serfs assigned to work in the mines and factories of the Urals , and tens of thousands of peasants .
5 After working in private practice as an Assistant Solicitor in central London , Chris was attracted to work in the field of policing and criminal law , first as a Research Officer with the London Borough of Camden , then as a Legal Assistant with the Greater London Council .
6 The opportunities for pupils to share , compare and contrast ideas are limited , and children are constrained to work in the way the workbook dictates .
7 A 100-strong team of scientists has been picked to work at the company 's laboratories at Caswell , Towcester , producing the first 3 inch diameter GaAs wafers in the UK .
8 As I was unable to see how I could realistically expect students to take responsibility for classes after only six weeks in the School of Education , I decided ( after much self doubt ) to put the students on their first teaching practice in the fourth and fifth years of schools offering our joint GCE O Level/CSE French for Communication syllabus where they would be expected to work with the teachers in a variety of roles .
9 It was also expected to work for the coordination of economic and monetary policies and the harmonisation of fiscal and social policies , and of law .
10 Historians lower down the hierarchy were expected to work within the guidelines advanced by their superiors .
11 Peter had n't been expected to work in the men 's outfitters , never had and never would .
12 The Madame lived to the age of 90. when she died , some time in the 1970s , the hotel was left to Abdulrahim , a Nubian from Aswan who had come to work for the Madame as a young boy before the Second World War .
13 These projects , covering issues such as information requirements and the purchasing role of health authorities , are designed to work through the implications of the White Paper at a local level .
14 Married women found themselves either excluded entirely from , or treated very poorly by , a whole range of measures designed to work through the labour market .
15 She was not , she told Mrs Arbuthnot , prepared to work for the likes of her .
16 His territorial reordering of the 1470s had apparently been a great success , creating a nexus of trusted associates prepared to work in the crown 's interests , while those outside the charmed circle seemed , by the end of the decade , to have acquiesced in their exclusion .
17 His territorial reordering of the 1470s had apparently been a great success , creating a nexus of trusted associates prepared to work in the crown 's interests , while those outside the charmed circle seemed , by the end of the decade , to have acquiesced in their exclusion .
18 Catherine received presents , and could continue her lessons , but Heathcliff was made to work on the farm with the men , and , as a farm worker , was only allowed to eat with us in the back-kitchen .
19 it is extremely doubtful that the overall system … can ever be made to work without the kind of total ideological commitment and radical transformation which underlie its operation in socialist Yugoslavia .
20 Her grandmother made the illegitimate girl into a Cinderella : ‘ I was made to work in the house … a house slave . ’
21 Instead of being made redundant when the ownership of your employer changes hands , you are nowadays automatically transferred to work for the purchaser .
22 It is said to work with the Tivoli Systems Inc management environment , HP VUE and IBM NetView .
23 Anyone who has had to work through the shock of bereavement will identify with the emotional upheaval involved .
24 Would you believe that he said I 've got to work on the aeroplane this week , I 've got the week off , I 've got to work on the aeroplane , I , you know , I shall be alright , down the airfield , er on the Wednesday he arrived to see how we were getting on , complaining like made because he had n't been able to find where the cottage was , I said but I 'd left you a detailed map ,
25 Would you believe that he said I 've got to work on the aeroplane this week , I 've got the week off , I 've got to work on the aeroplane , I , you know , I shall be alright , down the airfield , er on the Wednesday he arrived to see how we were getting on , complaining like made because he had n't been able to find where the cottage was , I said but I 'd left you a detailed map ,
26 but I 've got to work on the plane tomorrow .
27 Mrs has got to work with the times has n't she ?
28 ‘ I 've got to work in the morning . ’
29 But much more bridging research in this field is needed so that we can get beyond pious exhortation to tested procedures that have been shown to work in the classroom as well as in the laboratory .
30 Legal aid expenditure has risen rapidly in recent years , and the legal profession has repeatedly offered to work with the Government to control the rising costs of legal aid .
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