Example sentences of "[vb pp] with a mixture [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was rain in the air outside ; inside , the air was suffused with a mixture of cigar fumes and evaporating sweat — the fumes from the audience , the sweat from the boxers whose endeavours were the principal attraction of the evening .
2 Under this new dispensation things foreign and far removed from our own polluted urban world acquire all exotic piquancy , an exciting glamour , which causes them to be approached with a mixture of reverence and hope .
3 The government responded with a mixture of repression and concessions .
4 Each of the 37 bedrooms have been individually decorated with a mixture of antiques and opulent fabrics .
5 The bookmarks shown here were decorated with a mixture of flowers and foliage .
6 It was a tea shop , with one half that sold honey and homemade scones and the other with tables where the walls were decorated with a mixture of horse brasses and psychedelic posters .
7 In my mind 's eye , your body is liberally smeared with a mixture of walnut oil and Nutella spread .
8 From mainland Europe , the events are seen with a mixture of puzzlement and suspicion .
9 Pomegranate syrup prepared with a mixture of sorrel was served as a drink and betel nuts were brought in on gold and silver dishes after the meal .
10 But the first graphic details , serialised for ‘ a lot of money ’ before the book is published , were met with a mixture of curious interest , sadness and a dose of suspicion about the ‘ English ’ paper 's motive .
11 Napoli is also a very popular variety , having coarser lumps of flat than the Milano and being made with a mixture of pork and beef .
12 Kaasdoop , the Dutch version of fondue , is made with a mixture of these cheeses , although the addition of some mature Gouda will add extra distinction to the flavour .
13 For example , sanguine Conté Carres crayons are made with a mixture of native earths plus softeners such as China clay , while the natural lump sanguine you can buy does not have these softening additives and so has a different texture .
14 Her brother sat opposite her with his back to the door devouring hunks of bread smothered with a mixture of peanut-butter and strawberry jam .
15 Small pitta pocket stuffed with a mixture of chopped lettuce , 25g ( 1 oz ) feta , 1 medium chopped tomato and 50g ( 2oz ) chopped cucumber , tossed in 1 tablespoon low-calorie yoghurt 195 calories
16 Four micrometer sections were cut and stained with a mixture of methylene blue azure II and basic fuchsin .
17 Even though it was late , the broad carpeted entranceway was brightly lit and all of the available off-road parking space was crammed with a mixture of upmarket image cars and stupefyingly dull , staggeringly expensive saloons .
18 The shoes were put in as a simple outline drawing in pencil and the background spaces around them were painted with a mixture of cerulean blue and titanium white .
19 Acetylcholine ( 0.01% ) was injected in the dorsum of the foot painted with a mixture of starch and iodine .
20 The slides were counterstained with a mixture of 0.8 µg/ml DAPI and 0.4 µg/ml propidium iodide in buffered glycerol ( 31 ) and viewed with a Nikon Optiphot epifluorescence microscope .
21 Harriet 's drawing room , the equivalent of Rose Cottage 's humbler living room situated in the front of the building , was furnished with a mixture of modern comfortable easy chairs and several nice old pieces , a Victorian roll-top desk and a little Regency card table among them .
22 Eventually the appointment of the Attorney-General ( Thomas Inskip ) was announced and received with a mixture of ridicule and dismay .
23 And from the moment young girls learn about it , priests in general , and good-looking , charming ones in particular , are regarded with a mixture of awe and excitement precisely because it is understood they do n't do it , never have done it and , regretfully , never will .
24 It added : ‘ This explosion deepens the cracks in a monarchy which a number of Britons have for some time regarded with a mixture of indifference and contempt . ’
25 When I first met Chris and Pauline Lloyd to discuss their garden and take a look at its one-in-three slope , I was filled with a mixture of admiration for them , and horror at the task ahead .
26 Tin cans filled with a mixture of old tea leaves and coal dust gave a lovely glow and plenty of heat .
27 The first fireworks exploded and the Wheel was almost enveloped in flame while the air was filled with a mixture of smells — paraffin , sooty smoke from the straw and cordite from the fireworks .
28 Polly stared at him , filled with a mixture of pride and terror .
29 He said the copper pipe could be filled with a mixture of fireworks powder .
30 I looked at her dark face , filled with a mixture of anger and hurt , then at little Mary beside her who , over the years , solemnly drank in the insults offered to her beloved mother .
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