Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [verb] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In particular , over and above their local roles , councils are located and locate themselves in what may be termed the ‘ national local government system ’ ' ( Dunleavy , 1980a , p. 105 ) .
2 On the whole , acting in isolation is a peculiar feature of the audition system , which is why the pieces you choose in either the classic or modern text need to be reasonably well contained and lend themselves to being performed as a one man show .
3 The Catholics , too , organised and armed themselves in anticipation of a Protestant backlash or about-turn by the security forces .
4 The young men stripped and painted themselves in black and white imitation of the feather pattern on the predator : bringing the hunting eye of the eagle to the clan .
5 I chase each of the monks and nuns round the canopy until all have been similarly consumed and thrown themselves over the battlements ; for who can bear to lose face ?
6 To all this , modern man has now added creatures from outer-space which can be grouped under the general category of UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Objects ) , some of which have reputedly landed and disguised themselves as human beings .
7 Although it is a group undertaking , the residential will provide the means for students to be assessed and to assess themselves as individuals .
8 Social policy planners in particular are perplexed and tie themselves in appalling knots trying to work out equitable ways of dealing with this anomalous creature .
9 But the residents resisted and formed themselves into a community association and negotiated with the council to save their homes .
10 ‘ The gentlemen soldiers , ’ it was recorded , ‘ dressed and trimmed themselves in their best clothes , for to drink a dish of tea with the ladies of this town , ’ who ‘ appeared in their best rigging ’ .
11 Some are highly specialised and limit themselves to one particular type of prey , refusing all other kinds of meat even though it may be highly nutritious .
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