Example sentences of "[vb pp] by the former [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Property owned by the former Somoza dictatorship and its private army , the National Guard , would not be returned , although even here , any anomalies would be examined .
2 Arlott 's son Tim read two poems written by his father , and the congregation sang God Whose Farm is All Creation , a hymn written by the former broadcaster .
3 It also includes a piece of ‘ cynghanedd ’ Welsh verse written by the former Mayor of Ruthin , Robin Llwyd ap Owain , a National Eisteddfod winner in 1991 .
4 Although the defence had demanded the release of extracts from Reagan 's diaries as a means of circumventing the memory lapses suffered by the former President , Reagan had cited executive privilege in order to resist the move [ see pp. 37240-41 ] .
5 The ensuing public alarm encouraged the setting up of a national commission ( chaired by the former Secretary of Labour , Willard Wirtz ) to investigate the reasons for such a sharp decline .
6 The report — from the City Research Project , which is chaired by the former chairman of the Securities Association , Stanislas Yassukovich — also says that the UK financial regulatory system has failed to focus adequately on fraud and misappropriation .
7 In one instance a picture lent from Czechoslovakia to Cologne was prevented from returning because of a claim to title made by the former owner 's heir .
8 The Vatican in December 1989 ordered the closure in Recife on the east coast of two progressive seminaries founded by the former Archbishop of Olinda and Recife , the Most Rev. Helder Câmara .
9 ‘ We are convinced by the former Chancellor 's Autumn Statement proposing support for joint ventures between public and private cash .
10 At the same time , the Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit was commissioned by the former Training Agency to identify competences in the areas of literacy and numeracy which would link to the BBC programmes .
11 The detailed plans were drafted by the former army GOC Sir John Wilsey .
12 Mrs Jones is pictured ornamenting a Jasper sweet dish — watched by the former Lord Mayor and ornamenter Paul Harper .
13 At a plenum of the Georgian central committee the following day the party first secretary , Dzumber Patiashvili , resigned and was replaced by the former head of the Georgian KGB , Givi Gumbaridze ; the Georgian prime minister and head of state also tendered their resignations .
14 Inspired by the former Downpatrick inter-provincials Dale Baker and David Gibson , who both shot a one under par 70 , they finished ahead of Warrenpoint .
15 If so , the Directive will normally operate so as to transfer the employees employed by the former controller in the discharge of the function to the new controller and on the same terms and conditions of employment .
16 Is it not outrageous that coalfield areas such as Nottinghamshire which have been waiting nearly two years for this money are still denied it because of the party political games played by the former Cabinet Minister and now Labour Commissioner Millan ?
17 After that , however , Jacobs was clearly outpointed by the former world champion James McGirt in New York .
18 The Conservative manifesto announced the surprising decision to create a Department of National Heritage , as proposed by the former Minister of the Arts , Tim Renton , before the election last month .
19 The fraudulent conduct of the poll , and the subsequent annullment , was deplored by the former President , Mr Jimmy Carter .
20 The new Archbishop Rivera y Damas remains outspoken on human rights violations and continues much of the legal work sponsored by the former Archbishop .
21 PLANS to build a golf course near Tom King 's Wiltshire home are being opposed by the former Defence Secretary .
22 The polls show the party trailing the opposition Liberal-National Party coalition , led by the former economics professor , John Hewson , which supports the monarchy .
23 * Chart Patthana and Seritham , led by the former speaker of the House of Representatives Arthit Urairat , were formed after March 1992 .
24 The Constituent Assembly 's decision was based on recommendations emanating from a political pact signed by Gaviria with leaders of his Ruling Liberal Party ( PL ) and the two parties jointly outnumbering the PL in the Assembly , namely the M-19 Democratic Alliance ( a left-wing coalition led by the former guerrilla group 19 April Movement ( M-19 ) ) and the conservative Movement of National Salvation ( MSN ) .
25 The M-19 Democratic Alliance , a left-wing coalition led by the former guerrilla April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) , had also opposed the law .
26 I 've just been at a two day conference at erm not very far from here , at Wisden House in which erm a number of erm top industrialists erm led by the former chairman of I C I have all unanimously been saying how bad they think it is for our future technological development and export development if overseas students get out of the habit of coming here .
27 Other peers in the paternalist tradition , led by the former knight of the shires , Lord Chelwood ( the much-parodied Sir Tufton Beamish ) , planned an amendment which would have required the tax to be related to ability to pay .
28 Parties contesting seats in the 188-seat National Assembly were the ruling Kenya African National Union ( KANU ) led by President Daniel arap Moi , the Democratic Party ( DP ) led by the former Vice-President ( in 1978-88 ) Mwai Kibaki , two factions of the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy ( FORD ) known as FORD-Kenya and FORD-Asili , and six smaller parties .
29 The faction led by the former party secretary-general , Shintaro Abe , had demanded that Mr Nakayama ( one of the faction 's own men ) must stand down to give another of the group some cabinet experience .
30 The electoral campaign , which had begun on Dec. 4 , ended on Feb. 21 , and was attended by an estimated 2,500 international observers including representatives of the United Nations , the Organization of American States and the European Parliament and a United States team led by the former President , Jimmy Carter .
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