Example sentences of "[det] [verb] [prep] [art] hundred " in BNC.

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1 That led to the Hundred Years War , and in the summer of 1346 , Edward III landed in Normandy and that led to the battle of Crecy on 26th .
2 Right , that looks like the hundred , that 's the sort of left over of the hundred , so it 's just equal to seventy five over a hundred , and you
3 The County Hall Department are spending from nineteen ninety-two , ninety-three , this amounted to a hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and ten pounds .
4 All done at eighty five pounds ninety good for ninety five one hundred seated and ten one ten on the right standing a hundred and ten against you all at and twenty one thirty one thirty , on the right standing , at one thirty are you all done at a hundred and thirty pounds .
5 All done at a hundred and twenty pounds .
6 All done at a hundred and sixty pounds one seventy one seventy now on the one eighty one ninety one ninety two hundred two hundred pounds .
7 All done at a hundred and thirty only , one forty , one fifty sixty , one seventy eighty ninety standing at one ninety , any more ?
8 Eighty five pounds then , at the back and I 'll sell at eighty five , ninety on the aisle , ninety five one hundred one ten one twenty one twenty on the aisle , at one twenty , are you all done at a hundred and twenty pounds ?
9 All done at a hundred and sixty , any more at two two eighty seated then at two hundred and eighty pounds any more , are you all done ?
10 At a hundred pounds , all done at a hundred ?
11 One thirty one forty one forty on the aisle , one forty then and I shall sell at one fifty also on aisle , one sixty one sixty now near me on the aisle at one sixty , are you all done at a hundred and sixty pounds ? six seven .
12 The trams have had events of their own to celebrate during the hundred years , generally firsts , rather than lasts .
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