Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] [art] previous " in BNC.

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1 She made an effort to recall all he had told her during the previous ride , and paid attention to the way she sat , as well as to the positions of her hands , elbows , knees and heels .
2 The bill was passed by the House by 273 votes to 154 ; the Senate had approved it on the previous day by 62 votes to 34 .
3 On either side of the central aisle , heads nodded at the buildings and streets around them as a now livelier Ashenden continued , himself ( like the site , it appeared ) splendidly restored from whatever malaise had affected him over the previous two days , a malaise which had been noted and commented upon by several others of the group besides Mrs Shirley Brown — the latter sitting comfortably now in her usual seat , the effects of the sting having cleared up fairly quickly under the twin application of Mrs Roscoe 's unguents .
4 She 'd invited him round the previous evening and things had n't gone at all as he 'd hoped .
5 Mrs Fletcher had brought them round the previous night .
6 She was more than capable of defending herself if the need arose , but what if her pursuer was someone who had recognized her from a previous UNACO assignment , someone out to blow her cover ?
7 If firm 2 reneges on punishment , then in the following period firm 1 must punish firm 2 for not having punished it in the previous period , and so on .
8 This last item did much to restore the confidence that seemed to have deserted me in the previous few months .
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