Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the latter [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , very little is known about Brough , Dorn , Willoughby and Bourton , and defences have yet to be proven for the latter pair .
2 It appears to reflect a course of practice , developed during the latter part of the 19th century , to abstain from questioning , not after charge , but after the suspect had been taken into custody ; and it appears that in general any evidence obtained from such questioning was regarded as inadmissible : see Archbold 's Criminal Pleading Evidence & Practice , 28th ed. ( 1931 ) , p. 407 .
3 In the whole country only two lorries had been hijacked during the latter part of May and neither was on Hatton 's regular route .
4 It was a part of the prophecy of disintegration and chaos to be expected in the latter days ; within that context it was but one detail in a large picture , but here it was all , it was an answer .
5 Policy discussions at ministerial level appeared to focus mainly on the hoary old issues of which agency should take lead responsibility , ’ but finally , in 1989 , the government took a decision which was considered unthinkable only a year earlier , that is , that local authority social services departments should be given lead responsibility for community care and for all services including mental health , but with some additional controls added in the latter case , the single most controversial of Griffiths ' proposals .
6 My main gripe is the surfeit of turgid waffle by Art & Language included in the latter stages — a group with which Harrison and Wood have been intimately involved .
7 The increased investigative powers contained in the latter piece of legislation is likely to give the regulatory authorities a greater degree of success in detecting insider abuse , however , the subjective elements of the substantive offence , as enshrined in the CSA 1985 , remain an onerous burden for the prosecution to discharge .
8 Of the pianos made during the latter part of the 18th century and in the 19th century , those built in the English tradition most clearly demonstrate Cristofori 's design .
9 In his New Year address Fiji 's President , Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau , suggested that Fiji 's new constitution ( guaranteeing political power for the country 's native Melanesian inhabitants ) would be adopted during the latter half of 1990 , and that legislative elections would be held within two years .
10 It was written during the latter part of 1913 and the first half of 1914 and for part of that time the author was travelling in Austria .
11 If retrieval of the CS-US association depends upon the presence of the cues of the conditioning context whereas the cues of the pre-exposure context allow retrieval of the information that the target stimulus is not followed by any event , then no conditioned responding can be expected when the CS is presented in the latter context .
12 I noticed that when particularly struck by a drawing , his features would assume the same look of wide-eyed amazement that they had done in the latter rôle when Bottom wakes from his dream and begins the speech , ‘ I have had a most rare vision … ’
13 I noticed that when particularly struck by a drawing , his features would assume the same look of wide-eyed amazement that they had done in the latter rôle when Bottom wakes from his dream and begins the speech , ‘ I have had a most rare vision … ’ .
14 The central event of the former 's pontificate can hardly fail to be seen as Humanae Vitae in 1968 , central because its publication marked a watershed separating the first years of enthusiasm , of an optimistic post-conciliar implementation in which Rome and leading Catholic theologians were still working more or less hand in hand ( as they had done in the latter years of the Council ) from the far more contestatory and unsure later period .
15 Moreover the effect of the statute , in preventing the separation between legal and equitable estates in the cases to which it applied , was nullified in the latter half of the seventeenth century by the decision of the Chancery to protect trusts declared upon the uses which the statute had turned into legal estates .
16 Muhammad written in the latter part of Jumada II 819/August 1416 .
17 Accordingly , generalization decrement can not be held responsible for the context-specificity of the CR seen in the latter case .
18 Three local authorities decided on the latter form of action in the case of Her Majesty 's Attorney General at and by the Relation of Salford City Council , the Eccles Borough Council and the Urmston Urban District Council v C.P.C. ( UK ) Ltd. in respect of offensive odours allegedly emanating from the defendant 's works .
19 These occurred during the latter part of the 1950's .
20 In Oakeshott 's view the establishment of the authority of the ruler is the paramount consideration in establishing the polity and the admiration which he expresses for Hobbes is rooted in the latter s replacement of reason by will as the foundation of political authority .
21 For advanced economies , substantial changes had occurred over the latter half of the 1960s because of loss of comparative advantage in what had become basic technologies which could be mastered by low-income countries , together with changes in the nature of world demand and direct and indirect forms of trade barriers erected to protect domestic industry .
22 The reports are available in formats which have been approved by the Latter day Saints .
23 An extraordinary congress of the ruling party , the communist Partido Africano da Indepêndencia de Cabo Verde ( PAICV ) , was called for the latter part of 1990 , after the introduction of a multiparty system had been agreed in principle by the national council — the party 's policy-making body between congresses .
24 Although further peace negotiations were scheduled for the latter half of 1991 , the situation remained unresolved .
25 The work that followed to finalise the user requirement is hitherto unpublished , and is derived from a series of discussion papers raised during the latter stages of the project .
26 Strong words were exchanged with the latter band by the organisers , who demanded a quick piece of historical rewriting to expunge this accidental slur on the workers ' state .
27 The social movements based upon the latter affiliations , which were discussed in Chapter 2 , have assumed much greater political importance during the past few decades , and their development , like that of youth movements , needs to be examined in relation to wider social changes .
28 Raschel fabric sales volumes continued to decline , although the trend slowed in the latter half of the year .
29 They hoped that the dynamic forces released by socialism would generate new wealth , enabling Britain to stride the world once more in a continuing and -equal partnership with the United States , rather than as the American satellite which she had become in the latter phases of the Second World War .
30 A number of new trade unions were formed in the latter part of 1989 to represent a wide range of workers .
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