Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the early [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Their plight was gradually recognized during the early 20th century ; from the mid-century onward it has been the role of administrators , teachers , health workers , economists and lawyers to unravel some of their problems and provide alternative means of living .
2 But this evidence still leaves a large gap to be filled between the early fifth century and St Cuthbert 's visit .
3 Allegheny West Civic Council ( AWCC ) was formed during the early 1970s to mark the distinctiveness of the area from neighbouring Manchester , which had a reputation for disadvantage .
4 The Red Poll was probably developed during the early nineteenth century from a mingling of the meaty Norfolk Red and the famous milking Suffolk Dun .
5 He was among the better educated of the early Methodist preachers and more sober than some in his attitude to supernatural phenomena .
6 So when he was approached in the early '80s to be part-time chairman of Wandsworth Health Authority in London ‘ I knew what I was taking on ’ .
7 The origins of Sudan 's severe debt crisis go back to the policies pursued from the early 1970s onwards .
8 This pattern became further exaggerated in the early 1970s when the cores lost population even more rapidly .
9 Loxtidine ( one of the H2-antagonists dropped in the early 1980s ) was given a clean bill of health by the same test .
10 Share issues were subdued in the early 1980s but rose strongly after that as the market improved .
11 The Northern Echo reported in the early 1970s that the conversion project was costing Grand Metropolitan £450,000 .
12 At the old medieval naval base of Portsmouth the planned suburb of Portsea was added in the early eighteenth century to house the workers in the new and expanded dockyard .
13 There has been a church on this site since 1170 but the present building dates from 1430 , with the famous hexagonal and crocketed spire being added in the early fifteenth hundreds .
14 The exhibition has been installed in the early nineteenth-century rooms of the Museo Correr .
15 The present building dates from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and was rebuilt in the early nineteenth century .
16 The building dates back to the early 1800s and although it was partly rebuilt in the early 1900s it still resembles the original design .
17 The mill was largely rebuilt in the early 19th century , reverting by the mid-1850s to its original purpose , that of corn milling .
18 No. 3 , St James 's Street has been the company premises since it was rebuilt in the early eighteenth century and the name Berry Bros. & Rudd Ltd. , as it is now known , was established in 1943 .
19 It has a baronial castle which was rebuilt in the early sixteenth century after fire destruction .
20 Prewar production levels were not regained until the early 1950s , and not until even later were 1930s agricultural productivity levels exceeded .
21 Again , how were science and art demarcated in the early fifteenth century — — socially , intellectually and institutionally ?
22 Below them came the jurisdiction of the thegns , apparently already organised by the early eleventh century in the districts that , as Norman lordships , were to form the later rapes .
23 It has been suggested that the serpentinites , glaucophane schists and associated rocks of Anglesey represent a subduction zone where oceanic crust was being consumed below the early European plate .
24 Previous results showed that the subpolar North Atlantic had warmed between the early 1950s and early 1970s , whereas since then there has been cooling .
25 The men from Big Blue originally came to Microsoft 's founder , Bill Gates , to license the programming languages that he had written for the early personal-computer enthusiasts , most of whom had built their own machines .
26 Several of the people involved in the ZETA story , directly or as spectators , are still working or living in retirement in and around Harwell : many of them feel that the publicity and interest generated in ZETA made many politicians and administrators aware of fusion , and helped to gain support for the funding of Culham Fusion Laboratory which was built during the early 1960s .
27 When a Jakarta bureaucrat decided in the early 1980s that Indonesia should develop a steel industry , Mr Liem was ‘ encouraged ’ to put up 40% of the $800m cost of the Krakatau Steel project .
28 In respect of in public services , it was a minefield for a long time and perhaps we did not react as we should have done in the early eighties .
29 ‘ Their current crisis is very similar to the industrial upheaval which Teesside and the North-East suffered in the early '80s , except that in Czechoslovakia things are worse . ’
30 The magnificent Persian carpets in Western museums , that are generally accepted as being the epitome of oriental textile art , were not made until the early 16th century .
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