Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the big [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mentioned earlier this year ( 24 January ) the plight of a useful local scavenger , the scrapman , faced by a battery of anti-pollution legislation , intended for the big time operators .
2 We 're off to spot some winners , and there are two tickets to be won for the big race
3 MERSEYSIDE MPs today came to the defence of Grand National flagman Kenneth Evans the man blamed for the big race fiasco .
4 Flotation is still not out of the picture , with 1994 being forecast as the big year .
5 The lamb chops sizzled as they were dropped into the big pan .
6 It ran across three weekly issues , and was blatantly lifted from the big city papers and radio , but the editorial comment was strictly home town .
7 They claimed the move had been simply to bring Scotland into line with England and Wales and that the initiative had come from the big bookmakers , who would be the main beneficiaries .
8 Its primary purpose was to make room for the large number of civilian air-raid casualties which were expected in the big cities .
9 When fried in the big iron pan they made an omelette that had a taste and a smell like nothing else in the whole world .
10 I was dispatched to the grammar school , which itself had been evacuated from the big city to a small town .
11 Lowe had worked as a researcher for the Financial Times , Hayling had done his stint with the BBC , and of course they had dabbled in the Big Flame paper and other fringe publications .
12 Attracted to the big ape she had n't been , but she 'd be an all-out liar if she tried to pretend she had n't enjoyed his kisses .
13 In the 1980s a new idea was added to the big bang to explain this evenness , and other problems .
14 It is Possible that she might have come to the big city on her own .
15 The East Coast of America is dominated by the big cities : Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington all exert such a gravitational pull that the smaller towns are sucked into an orbit of dependency on the nearest city sun .
16 Small ticket has , he said , been badly affected , while medium size deals have held up and big ticket deals have been rescued by the big utilities .
17 In the same period , Arthur Young , subsidized by the big landlords to promote agricultural improvement , put his finger on what must have been a general attitude , when he described cattle-stealers in the Lincolnshire fens : ‘ So wild a country nurses up a race of people as wild as the fen , and thus the morals and eternal welfare of numbers are hazarded and ruined for want of an inclosure . ’
18 Ever heard of the big warehouse ?
19 Brothers Max ( the mechanic ) and Edwin ( the engine tuner ) both raced themselves ( bikes and car rallies respectively ) but quit when it became obvious that Bradl was destined for the big time .
20 Peter White , main Board director of group personnel at Midland Bank , was more justified in complaining that the banks in the City had suffered during the Big Bang as the result of excessive leverage enjoyed by headhunters in a tight market .
21 With these qualities they well be fully prepared for the big trial , but they must also know themselves in the deepest sense — ‘ to be in touch ’ , as Scott frequently mentions , ‘ with that critical inner voice . ’
22 According to Michael Lewis , author of Liar 's Poker , the Japanese are well prepared for the Big Quake .
23 Go past the House of Giants , along Via Omenoni , named after the big men , and you will reach , to the left , the Piazza Belgioioso , another delightful and very fine quiet square .
24 He hoisted the rope to the very top of the hill , leaped into space with his bare feet wedged against the big knot and soared like an eagle over the tree tops .
25 But she had flirted with the Big Man .
26 That original production was just a compilation of fairly amateur footage , but now Havis has moved into the big league with broadcast TV-quality programmes featuring the pilot's-eye view of a number of interesting routes flown by different airlines worldwide .
27 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I want simply to tell you that work on your notes connected with the Big Glass is at last under way and that I have remained scholarly and impartial throughout what has not been an easy task , in view of what you say about me and especially about my family , and which you must have known would give offense .
28 The banks questioned in the survey argued that although the level of headhunting activity had indeed risen with the Big Bang , from their point of view it had then fallen off ; whilst many non-financial users of search , such as BICC , suggested that claims of noticeable changes in recruiting as a result of either event were wildly exaggerated .
29 One jolting tackle and the link was made with the big screen 's violent he-man .
30 One jolting tackle and the link was made with the big screen 's violent he-man .
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