Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] a massive [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On July 4 , 400 people were reported killed or wounded after a massive explosion aimed at police headquarters in the northern oil city of Kirkuk .
2 He was caught in a massive police hunt launched after the four fled through a hole in a fence around the jail playing field .
3 In 1986 the Labour Party Conference voted by a massive majority to ‘ reduce Britain 's dependence on nuclear power ’ .
4 The zig-zag stripes of trench-systems lay on either side like the skin shed by a massive snake .
5 The cost of preserving historic buildings is often presented as a massive burden to the taxpayer .
6 If this structure seems fairly simple , it must be remembered that each of these materials is made on a massive scale — often hundreds of thousands of tonnes per year .
7 The Magic Kingdom , with spires and turreted castle at its heart , now shares as many as 150,000 visitors a day with the Epcot Centre ( seven futuristic theme pavilions and an 11-nation world showcase , built around a massive silver geosphere ) and the Disney MGM Studio theme park .
8 When the Dwarfs were once again threatened by a massive invasion of Orcs and Goblins , King Kurgan sent the Runesmith Alaric the Mad to ask Sigmar for help .
9 Examination had also revealed several hooded eyes in the head , torso and arms ; all connected by a massive circuitry of unexplainable nerves and sinew which , although with no brain to relay messages still saw them , still swivelled and watched them move about the room as they examined it .
10 Although this is bought through a massive number of connections it seems to have a number of advantages over previously mentioned strategies :
11 Only 373,804 vehicles were sold despite a massive £50million ad blitz by the industry .
12 John Coleridge , ‘ an Israelite without guile ’ , had probably died of a massive stroke , and a few days later was buried on the north side of the altar in the church he had served for twenty-one years .
13 Previously there were many beginners ' boards available but most were supplied with a massive 6.5m 2 sail which stretched and distorted to make it unmanageable in more than a few knots of wind .
14 Faced with this inexorable decline , the Labour Party from 1984 onwards had embarked upon a massive programme of deregulation which included ( i ) scrapping import licensing ; ( ii ) reducing or abolishing tariffs or export subsidies ; ( iii ) floating the currency ; ( iv ) deregulating the banking sector ; ( v ) reforming the tax system ; ( vi ) establishing an independent central bank ; and ( vii ) privatizing large state-owned companies including Air New Zealand , NZ Telecom , NZ Steel , the government-owned energy group , Petrocorp , and two banks .
15 To give body to the reforms new building was needed on a massive scale .
16 Beyond this the microelectronics technology is being used on a massive scale in shops , offices , banks , hospitals , and factories .
17 In the 1970s the courts embarked on a massive extension of the builder 's liability in negligence .
18 It is not that they are not used : vitamins are prescribed and bought on a massive scale for people without the slightest hint of a deficiency , and ginseng is now sold in chemists and health-food shops in the UK to the tune of no less than £7 million a year .
19 Rather , increased productivity followed from increasing economic specialization which , in turn , had been produced by a massive increase in the ‘ density ’ of society .
20 The ebullience with which Nizan highlighted the disenchantment of Hitler 's own petty bourgeois supporters confronted by impending economic ruin , the logical outcome of a Nazi political dictatorship , was tempered only by an awareness that such economic ruin might ultimately only be avoided by a massive rearmament programme and a policy of fascist colonial expansion that would seriously undermine international security .
21 A line of watchfires stretched away into the night , the nearest heaped into a massive cone , twelve feet or more in height , furiously ablaze , devouring the chill moisture from the night air .
22 Instead , the armed forces ( especially the army , which could pose a potential threat to his rule ) is regularly employed as a massive source of cheap labour .
23 For the year to March 31 it made a pre-tax loss of £9.8m , compared with a massive £448.4m last time .
24 ‘ Got you my beauty , ’ he gasped His triumph was shortlived With a massive burst of energy the fish broke free of his grasp and leapt six feet in the air .
25 Mr Goldring said the only possible candidates were the defendant and staff nurse Morris but the staff nurse was not on duty on 28 March when another child was injected with a massive dose of insulin .
26 So called hotting and joyriding around some of the Oxford Estates with stolen cars has contributed to a massive increase in carcrime .
27 But there was an element of luck in yesterday 's performances because the British crews decided to defy political reality by going hard left on the first beat and were pleasantly rewarded by a massive windshift in their favour .
28 The increased UK branch losses were more than offset by a massive recovery in the United States , where profits at NatWest Bancorp soared to £109 million , after losses of £182 million the previous year .
29 Seale , 45 , who was arrested after a massive manhunt , yesterday admitted extortion , conspiracy , and possessing weapons .
30 The F1 remained stuck with a massive cost problem , and riders reported that the famed rotary engine , although a joy on the open road , was temperamental in city traffic .
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